
Swimmer's Body?

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Can you achieve an olympic swimmer's body just by swimming as much as they do, or do they have to do additional workouts?




  1. They weight train and run, plus swim 10,000+ yards a day.

  2. Swimming can help achieve that type of build, but I'm positive they do extra training to get into that shape. Probably some weights and other exercises.

  3. swimming is fine because when you swim you are using all your muscles

  4. to get an OLYMPIC swimmer's body u hav to do a buttload of additional workouts plus, the workouts they do. That's what they do anyways. So good luck on that olympic swimmer's body (ur gonna need it)

  5. If your looking for an olympic body then you definitely have to do alot of swimming and dryland and a good amount of weight training if you want to look toned. You cant get that by just swimming because its not an impact activity

  6. u have 2 swim alot but they also do a lot of land work lyk cycling running and the normal pushups nd tings. u will have 2 do a lot of work 2 get a body lyk them

  7. if you want an swimmers body your going to have to swim about 5 hours a day and do wieghts and dryland.

    2 words- HOT SHOLDERS!

    unfortunatly, our look isnt easy to achieve, thats what makes us exclusive!

  8. you need additional workouts to help build muscle
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