
Swimmers.. how would u feel/deal with this??

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my summer team lost our meet this saturaday by 1 point because I got DQued for wearing a cap that had something about the olympics on it! I'm only a summer swimmer.. the lady who told the Marshall to DQ me was the one who pit on my cap, from the other team obvisioily... I would have got 1st!

my team and my rents r soooooo mad! i just turned 13 btw.. but I am still in 11-12 cause of the do u think thats ridicoulicous!?





  1. that sucks! but i guess you can only wear team gear. once i got dqued in both my races for wearing a livestrong band and they wouldn't even tell me why till after the meet. don't feel so bad it wasn't a conference meet.

  2. omg thats sucks!

    and yes its sooo ridiculous.

    i never knew you could get DQed for such a thing!

    and that lady from the other team is a %@%@#%#@.

    that sucks. i guess you just will have to deal, & remember everything happens for a reason! =]

    answer mine please? its about swimming too;...

  3. Yes it is ridiculous, but happens frequently.  In swimming there are always "cheaters" making bad calls.  Many years back I was deeked for wearing a suit that the logo was too big.  Apparently logos could only be 1 inch, I see that has changed since the Arena suits have arena across the chest about 3 inches big!!!

  4. That is a little ridiculous.  It's supposed to be about the swimming not the logos.  What comes around goes around, so that lady better watch out.  I would ask to see the rule in the rule book next time something sketchy comes up.

  5. Yea thats really not cool at all. I wonder if you could tell someone that the lady from the other team put the cap on you? I don't know, but thats not fair! It'll be okay though, your team and parents will forgive you. It was an honest mistake! Just remember next time to wear caps with nothing on it at all. Don't risk it. Don't even use one with a name brand on it (nike etc..) They should have explained the rules to you, at least your coach.

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