Swimmers impress in Men’s 200m breast-stroke A, B and C finals: 7th Singapore Long Course Nationals
See Tuan Yap, M Idham Dasuki and Joel Chong won the Men’s 200m breast-stroke A, B and C finals respectively, at the 7th Singapore Long Course Nationals, staged in Singapore, from June 21-26, 2011.
See Tuan secured the Men’s 200m breast-stroke A final with a sterling time of 2 minutes and 17.16 seconds, while Sandeep Sejwal of Indian wound up second in 2 minutes and 17.50 seconds. Lionel Khoo of China rounded out the top three by touching the finishing
wall in a time of 2 minutes and 22.19 seconds.
Joshua Ling of China earned fourth spot in 2 minutes and 26.16 seconds, whereas, Duan Le Kenneth Lim of Singapore ended his swim fifth in 2 minutes and 26.25 seconds. Guan Ji Ren settled sixth in 26.46 seconds, while Alexander Tseng of Singapore surprisingly
finished eighth in 32.48 seconds.
M Idham Dasuki of Indonesia snagged the Men’s 200m breast-stroke B final with a triumphant time of 2 minutes and 17.37 seconds, while his team-mates, M Akbar Nasution and Billy Affianto finished second and third in a time of 2 minutes and 20.77 and 2 minutes
and 22.30 seconds, respectively.
Dennis Josua Tiwa finished fourth in 2 minutes and 23.10 seconds, while Josia Anajohn earned the fifth spot in 2 minutes and 25.46 seconds. Kei Hyogo finished sixth in 2 minutes and 32.35 seconds. Benedict Yeo settled for seventh position in 2 minutes and
33.65 seconds, while Justin Loo of Singapore wound up eight in 2 minutes and 35.09 seconds.
Joel Chong of Swimfast Aquatic Club earned first place honours in the Men’s 200m breast-stroke C final with a winning time of 2 minutes and 32.32 seconds, while Wei Ming Nicholas Ho of Ace Swim Club ended his swim second in 2 minutes and 33.23 seconds. His
team-mate, Darren Bay, finished his swim third in 2 minutes and 33.57 seconds.
Fu Kang Wong of Orchid Country Club earned fourth place honours in 2 minutes and 35.86 seconds, while Ee Hong Christopher Cheong of Singapore finished fifth in 2 minutes and 36.39 seconds.