
Swimming Pool Question please help?

by  |  earlier

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so last night I dumped in a gallon and a half of chlorine in my pool.

I was wondering is it safe to swim in now?

Its going on 12 PM here, and I dumped it in around 8 last night.




  1. We have a pool and have used bleach in the past. This is no different than using chlorine. You may want to purchase a test kit to see what the levels are.

  2. i own a swimming pool company and rule of thumb is wait one hour for every pound of chlorine that you put in pool after that you will be fine.if you have a tablet floater take that out when clorine is added then after  a few minutesput floater back in . in your case i would wait at lease four hours before swimming

  3. Yes it's safe.  The chlorine gas has evaporated out and the water in the pool has diluted the chlorine.  Jump in and swim!

  4. just check the ph balance in the pool.

    Also check out for more

  5. You need to use a water testing kit to see if the levels are safe.  Pool owners should test their water several times a week to make sure the water is balanced.  Unbalanced water invites all sorts of problems.

  6. For most chlorine's it usually takes 15 minutes for the chemicals to break down, so it should be fine by now.

  7. Granted it was 3 days ago you asked this question... But for future reference for you...

    IF you shock the pool at night, let your pool system run, to filter the water and to mix the chlorine up to make sure its spread out evenly throughout the water.

    If you shock it at night, by the next morning you are able to swim.  Overnight is more than enough time to wait before swimming.

    You should get yourself a test kit, My personal experience is that liquid dropper tests are the best for true results, While the dipstick aquacheck style tests are more unreliable at times.

    Even a simple PH and chlorine test kit from the HTH company sold at walmart will be sufficient for you to test chlorine and Ph which are the two most important tests.  Chlorine should be around 1.5 PPM on a daily basis and around or over 3.0 PPM when shocked.  PH levels should be 7.4 to 7.6.   PH levels in this range are to protect your eyes, as the normal PH level in your tears/eyes is 7.4.

    Hope this information helps you for the future.

  8. yes. usually you can swim right after you dump the chlorine in the pool..

    its the acid you have to wait a while to swim after you dump it in

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