
Swimming Sickness?

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Today i had lifeguard training and we were in the pool for 6 hours and during that time i started to get sick. I got a headache and then i felt like i had drank a lot of water and wanted to puke.

Now i am at home 7 hours later and i still feel sick. I still have a headache, lower ab cramps, im very tired and i need to eat, but nothing is appitizing.

Does anyone know whats going on with me and what to do about it?

I do the same thing tomorrow and i dont know how long im gonna last with out passing out or something.

Please help me ASAP




  1. It sounds like you are coming down with the flu.

    Doesn't it?

  2. You have the case of overfatigue - because of swimming for 6 hrs. - and have fever / flu.  I also suffer from this everytime I go "overboard".

    You need to rest for a while to recover and take medications.  I would recommend  the following:  rehydrate (water/gatorade) every time and eat healthy including eating foods rich in potassium (bananas, potatoes, etc).  Reduce the number of hours and number of laps until your body can cope again (i.e. resistance). Do warm up and cool down exercises. Get well soon.
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