
Swimming? Why Do People Just Sink?

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Even before I had proper lessons I've been able to swim. Just move your arms and legs and you won't drown. Why do some people just claim they don't know how to swim and just sink like rocks? Couldn't they just kick their feet to safety? Is it some mental fear?




  1. They need to relax. Breathing slowly and calmly makes you float with little effort. I actually learned something in school about this. A king would tell the difference beetween a liar and someone who is telling the truth by throwing them in water with their hands and feet tied. The person who was telling the truth would float because they were relaxed and knew they weren't guilty. The person who was lying would sink like a rock because they were breathing heavily and flipping out. The key is relaxation. Your friends sink because they are afraid of the water and they panick when they are in it.

  2. It is because they have not learnt to breathe, hold breath when necessary, or executed their kicks and arm strokes wrongly. These mistakes make them sink below the water surface, make them drink lots of water and get them into a panic state. Another minute or two of helpless and they will drown if no one comes to their aid.

    This will happen to those who have not learnt swimming and yet go into overhead water. They should be wiser and stay in waist-high water during their learning stage. Mental fear or water phobia will result from such incidents.

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