
Swimming between women... what should i wear?

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i dont wear hijab. so i dont want burkini.

wat do you girls wear when going to the swimming pool?

bikini or those swim wear which cover most of the body?




  1. I wear a frogman's suit.

  2. one piece suit.

  3. I don't really go swimming much anymore, I am too busy with my kids,  But, when given the opportunity, I wear a swimsuit I purchased online from a Christain designer. Its really cute, conservative, and easy to swim in.  I wear this even if I am going to only be around other women, because it offers great sun protection, and covers my "wobbly parts". I get compliments on it all the time, even from non-muslims!

    You should check out the web page, you get to practically design it yourself, pick the coverage, material etc...Mine is black with white flowers and black legging-shorts. :]  

    I forgot to mention that you get to determine where you want the leggings to reach, like to the ankle, above the knee, or anywhere in between or above. Same with the sleeves. Mine is elbow length in the sleeve, and just below knee length in the leg. It dries almost instantly too.

  4. Well if by the thingie that covers most of the body u mean those black suit things, then no. don't wear them. Cuz i've seen them on ppl and they stick to their bodies so it's like they're better off in a bikini. u could just wear like shorts n a T-shirt. or if u wanna be more modest, capris and a shirt.. ?  

  5. if u r not too fat and its just girls wear this

  6. i used to go to women only swim csessions so i wear one piece.

    you should think about wearing hijab and if you start in ramadan you get loooads of reward for it. hijab is fard not optional.

  7. well, if it would be between women, be free and wear what ever u like.

  8. Assalamu aleikum sister,

    Even though u don't wear hijaab you can still wear burkini, because the part to cover your head is not attached to all of them. Just wear something that covers your body even w yohen you are with woman. If there are non-muslim ladies swimming there with you it's normally not even allowed to uncover your hair in front of them. And my advice sister is to start wearing hijaab as soon as possible. Have a nice month of Ramadaan, may Allaah subhanahu wa ta'ala accept it.

    Your sister Rayhana

  9. When it's just women there's no need for a bhurkini, but you're absolute minimum arwa is from the navel to knees. However, it's HIGHLY encouraged to cover the rest of the torso as well (the arms are neutral). So what works well is to wear a swim suit and longish bicycle shorts.

  10. when i go for swimming, i wear a one piece suit that covers my arms till elbows and lega till ankles, and there is this frill like extra cloth around the hips area, so even if it gets stuck to my body, it doesnt really show.

    Or i have seen these women who wear tracks and a T-shirt with a jacket on, so you could do that also.

  11. The best thing to wear would be nothing at all.  That's what I wear.

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