
Swimming classes?

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I'm a taking swimming classes at YMCA.

My question is they have a pool 9 feet deep if I learn how to swim

in this deep can I swim in lakes or oceans




  1. Maybe in lakes but in oceans their are currents pushing so it will be harder.

  2. if u can swim in 9 feet u can swim in ocean but not too far out cuz i swam in the gulf of mexico in fl and i did it but not with the waves it just cant have allot waves but with lil waves u can u just have to swim faster when the lil wave hit or go under it like i did if u can tread water u can swim an any depth cuz its all the same just no current cuz it will pull u under but i swam in the ocean so u should beable to

  3. Yes you can

  4. Well some oceans can be very deep, more feet than 9 feet but, some are not you can maybe swim in not so deep lake probaly swim in like 1-10 feet deep when you swim in the oceans. If you swim in a lake the water may not be as deep but, just in case make sure it is not deep. One more thing to say I think even when you learn how to swim in 9 ft. deep you should know how to swim in any feet because as long as you know how to swim in 9 feet deep you should know how to keep your balance in water and not drown so I would say yes you can swim in oceans and lakes. The advice at the beginning is just advice just incase you need it. Hope this helped. :)
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