
Swimming help? Can anyone help me with?

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the technique for swimming.... i'm a fit person but i can only do about 4 lengths front crawl before i get really tired.... whats the technique to swimming? How many strokes do you take before breathing out? If anyone could help me or show me a website that can i will be very grateful...

thanks a lot guys




  1. i would enrol in some advanced swim lessons at ur nearest pool. Breathing every three strokes on frontcrawl and keeping your arm strokes nice and slow to start with, making sure ur not holding ur breath under the water (blow out under the water and inhale by turning ur head to the side). Kick has to be small and fast but go at your own pace. Start practising with a float kick and breathing practices 1 length take a break and keep doing it a few times.Then use one arm with the float breathing to the side (away from the arm thats holding the float) and then swap arms. The do the two arms and take your time. Good luck

  2. try build up (getting a LITTLE bit faster every lap u do). or u can do this drill: swim a 75 {wat we do in practice} or more,  breathe on an odd amount of strokes and breathe avery 3 strokes on the first lap, every 5 strokes on  the second lap, and every 7 strokes.  we do every 5,7,9.. but u can adjust it 2 watever fits u best

  3. Go Swim is a good website for demonstrating great drills and technique.  The following link shows a good video regarding exhaling on free  My personal opinion is unless you're training for something specific, breathe when you need to.  The lower you can keep your head while breathing and longer you can keep your body (finger tips to toes) the better balanced you will be in the water and make it easier to move forward.

  4. Hi!

    I don't really know what you mean by "technique" but I do know that you should try breathing every 3 to 5 strokes. Always an odd number so you alternate head turns. Keep up the swimming though. When you get tired out, tell yourself to do one more cool down lap. Always try to push just a bit farther, and it might help. Be sure to drink a lot of water too.

    I recommend the site

    I hope this helps! Good luck!

  5. IN front crawl try to swim three strokes then breathe by turning  your face to the side of the arm NOT stretched in feront of yohj

  6. Try taking some swimming lessons they have them for all ages 3 - 103! I breathe every 3 during practice. Keep on trying to use good tecnique and working hard!

  7. breathe every right or left hand stroke-your preference - if your out of breath then slow down your rhythm until your not.

    THEN build up stamina and speed

  8. Make your arms nice and long and strong.. cup your hands ... try 2 beat or 6 beat kick...breath every three strokes..and try to look out ahead of you instead of might get tired at first but it makes you sooo much faster.. at least for me it did because it brings your body more out of the water.

    Hope this helps good luck!

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