i've just started a AWAI course an am helping to teach these two little boys (about 5 years (level Whale) and 8 years (level 2). the younger of the two is an excellent swimmer for his age but his older brother (the Eight year old) just CAN'T kick RIGHT. when he is on his back, he can hold his kick go about ten kicks then starts to thrash his feet around to keep his head out of the water. When he is on his front, he can hold it for about four seconds before the same thing happens. I've tyred different techniques on how he can keep his legs straight but nothing is working too well. He's doing his best and that's all i want from him, but it would be nice to get it good enough to pass. HE can do every thig else.
Any way, my question is that, dose any one have any suggestions on tricks i can use, or things i can try?