
Swimming in a small lake not allowed?

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I sure was pissed as h**l today.

There is a small lake near my house and people go fishing there and paddle boating / kayaking but it says "No Swimming" anywhere on the lake.

Why??? In Europe they also have small lakes like this and you can swim just about anywhere

Why are there so many stupid, IDIOTIC laws in the US???




  1. america is overprotective of its citizens.

  2. Those idiotic laws are there to protect the idiots...

  3. Ya, that's dumb!  I'm an American and I agree.  Let's move!

  4. If the lake is very small, it may be polluted by urban run-off and whatnot and not clean enough for swimming.  It may be dangerous if there are boaters and no marked swimming area.  It also could have snakes and things in it that could pose a threat to you.  But, I'd assume that it was not safe for swimming because it was contaminated with something that you did not want to be swimming in.  (I lived on a lake like this -- it was cute to look at and you could boat on it but, I saw the disgusting stuff that lurked at the bottom of it, and I suspected that it was not safe for humans to swim in).

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