
Swimming pool sand filter question

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After I backwash/rinse, the water from the return line seems cloudy for several seconds. The pressure gauge on the filter doesn't work, so I always try to err on the side of backwashing too much rather than too little. (I was told by the pool's previous owner to backwash 2 minutes, rinse 30 seconds. Since the cloudy return problem came up, I've done it even longer.)

Obviously replacing the pressure gauge needs to be high on my priority list, but I was wondering if the cloudy return means the sand needs to be replaced. For the record, the cloudy water does not contain sand.

Any comments/suggestions? I feel like the cloudy return water is undoing the good I do when I vacuum!





  1. All the answers are great. As I was going to suggest change the sand.

    Also, here is a great pool forum. Everyone is a pool owner and we all help each other with all aspects of pool ownership.

  2. Poolman is correct.  Also, get a new gauge, for less than $12 it is well worth it.

  3. how old is the sand in your filter? if it is more then three(3) years old i say yes it needs to be replaced also does the water stay cloud?these and other questions i have email me pool company owner eleven years experince

  4. HERES A PAGE ON sand filters and new types of filter media maybe your sand needs to be changed?.....I tried the recycled glass and it seems to backwash easier but the clay like medias may filter a little better:

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