
Swimming vs. Running? which one is better for you?

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For cardiovascular reasons i was just wondering if i was better of swimming, than going for jogs... I want to burn fat, and i need your guys' help!




  1. swimming burns more calories, is more fun and less tiring!

  2. i heard swimming was better than running. i mean your not putting that much wear and tear on your body when swimming and its also good for your heart too. trust me i knew somebody on my team who had heart problems and he was an excellent swimmer. and swimming burns soo much calories actually too many but its ok though cause we end up eating our calories back lol  

  3. running burns more calories but its worse on your body. i puts so much more stress on your joints and i, personaly, dont think that a few more calories are worth tearin up you knees for. but then again i do have shotty knees to begin with. i would recomend doing them both.

  4. running burns more calories, but swimming gives more of your body a workout

  5. A lot of this has to do with your body type. Typically, heavier people will see better results from swimming than running, since it's tough on your joints to run as a heavier person. A lot of it also has to do with the quality of your strokes. If you have long strokes and good technique, you will work more muscles, and be able to get a much better workout in the pool than someone who doesn't know how to swim all that well. Both are excellent ways to burn calories and build aerobic / cardiovascular fitness. I would try to work both of types of exercise into your routine if you have the time. See which one works for you, and do whichever one motivates you to come back for more. To make a dig at running though - swimming defintely burns more calories per hour at the same level of exertion. :P

  6. Swimming..full body workout and you wouldnt even feel the sweat.

  7. swimming is harder and works 400 of r 600 muscle while running does only 200 and in swimming ur train and ur heart lungs

  8. swimming is funner and less tiring

  9. Swimming is easier on your joints, but jogging burns more fat/calories. Swimming is a more complete body workout.

  10. running I'd say. You can't drown while running right? do a 20 minute run every day for 4 weeks and you will notice huge huge huge differences in your body fat.

  11. Well, with running there seems to be a bigger chance of you injuring yourself ie falling, seriously pulling muscles etc etc..

    But with swimming the only danger is that your muscles arent able to copy with running and walking, but that only happens to those who swim constantly (their muscles become adapted to swimming and not running)

    Personally, i think swimming is better but alternating the odd jog helps your body from getting used to the same swim..  

  12. Running! no doubt

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