
Swimming with a period?

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the other day i got my period (its only my second) and my friends invited me over. When I got there she wanted to go swimming and I said I couldn't. She said that when you go in the water with it it stops for a while. SO I did and it was true. Will it always be like this?




  1. It doesn't stop. you should wear a tampon next time

  2. Yes. The pressure of the water stops or at least slows the blood (you probably still had a little flow, but it got diluted by the water). But it's a lot more sanitary to use a tampon, especially because your period will start again as soon as you get out of the water.

  3. yes, notice while your in the shower, there isnt any blood running down your leg untill you get out? no one ever notices that but pay attention next time, it weird. and if i were you, wear a small tampon so you wont embarass yourself when you do get out of the pool.

  4. That has always been my experience, but just in case always bring back up!! (tampons, if u wear them.)

  5. According to my sister, that's what they make tampons for.

  6. you can swim when your on your period just its a good idea to wear a tampon . just so it doesnt get all over your suit, because sometimes it just doesnt stop when your in the pool. so yeah...

  7. It didn't stop, the blood just got diluted. The heavier your period is though, you will be able to see it. I would suggest learning how to use tampons.

  8. The females I've coached over the past 30 years have always been up front with me when they start their menstrual periods.

    The reality of the situation of not using a tampon is this ... The pressure of the water is greater than the pressure of the menstrual flow. That means that, as long as you're in the water, no blood can come out and, despite the erroneous information others have posted, the blood does not get diluted by the pool water.  If, after you get out of the water you get to the changing room quickly, there is not enough time for the menstrual blood to come out ... QUICKLY is the operative term. You need not run, but you shouldn't waste time, either.

    It will always be like that.

  9. No. Use a tampon.

  10. Swimming with a period is fine but for hygiene reasons you should wear a tampon.

  11. It doesn't neccesarily STOP but it does it won't show up and it will be like that most of the time/always.

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