
Swing, bouncer, or neither??

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From experience please! I was leaning towards a swing but am not excited about how many batteries it may take. :/




  1. My daughter absolutley loved her swing she would fall asleep in it.  A swing is the natural movement that the baby feel in untero while your up moving.  

  2. The swing that I used for my daughter is still going off the same batts, and she is 3 now.  I had both both, even though she liked the swing much better, the bouncer was easier to take into the bathroom when I took a shower.  She slept in the swing a lot though.

  3. I love both really.  My boys liked the vibration on the bouncer and the toys as they got a little older plus the one they had played music and had blinking lights.  The swing also came in handy a lot too and we really didn't' seem to go through many batteries with it, more batteries were probably used with the vibrating bouncer.  

  4. probably one of each, a bouncer for playtime, and a swing to rest and relax!

  5. Swing, it the best. The batteries actually last longer than what you would expect.

  6. when i register for my baby shower im just gonna register for all that stuff and whatever i dont get i will just have to buy

  7. i preferred the bouncer  or even get an excersaucer!  swings are great but yes they do suck up the batteries fast i think you should get a Jolly Jumper or and Excersaucer :)

  8. swing

  9. Bouncer!

  10. They both take two C batteries. I had both, and my baby hated the swing. I gave it away. She would only sleep in the bouncer at the beginning, nowhere else. She still hangs out in there for a while, but I am so glad I got it! Also, I never put batteries in it.  

  11. I would do both, and instead of getting the expensive ones, get the cheaper ones so you are able to afford the luxuries of both.

  12. Swing, definitely!!  Yeah, I admit the battery thing is kind of annoying.  But I have a little portable swing, and I love it.  It takes the C batteries, and as long as it isnt left on when the baby is not in it (or my two year old daughter doesnt rock her Cabbage Patch Dolls in it) then it seems to last 2-3 weeks, of course, depends on how much you use it.   It is SO worth it though!!  Just do without dinner a couple times a month to justify it  (just kidding!)  I really dont even use my bouncy seat, but if you do get one, I would suggest one of the aquarium ones, my son loved his, and it will vibrate as well.

  13. I never used a bouncer, and the swing was the only way my daughter would sleep other than nursing for a while.  It was a lifesaver!

  14. PERSONALLY. I am getting both. They love the swing for down time and the bouncer makes them laugh.


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