
Swing Dancing.... a few questions.?

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Well, I'm watching a movie in history and there is alot of swing dancing in it. Now, I've always wondered if when people do it on a day to day thing, is it made up as they go or is it usually a routine? Obviously in a movie it's a made up routine......

How do people learn? It looks awesome... I mean, is it like, "Oh hey, I want to learn to Swing, let's go to the local dance studio and get lessons!" X3 or something you pick up on your own usually?

Lame questions, but they're coming from a lame person.




  1. Yeah, people usually learn it how you imagined it - they go to a dance studio and sign up for swing lessons. It is a social dance and usually it is based on lead and follow, but you need to know some basic moves in order to be able to lead or follow. Usually, in a beginner class you learn the patterns that you can lead and follow and have fun with, but once you are comfortable enough with those you can get into more complex choreography. You can't really pick it up like people usually pick up club dancing.

  2. I've been swing dancing since 1999, and its fabulous!  Unless its a competition or a jam circle (where advancers create a circle and inside it a couple at a time shows off), it's usually improv.  There are moves you learn, but the combinations of them are what is improved.  Also, you can always play around with your styling of the moves when you're good enough.  Where do you live?  You'd be surprised at finding somewhere to go, and I definitely recommend it!  I drive sometimes an hour each way to go swing dancing (live in S. California) and it's way worth it!  Most swing dance clubs have a free lesson included with admission, and great way to start!    Then, just get out there and start asking everyone to dance (don't just take a partner and stick to yourselves, you won't really learn that way ;)  ).


    Well, I swing dance at least 3 to 4 times a week, and it is definitly not "choreographed".  As a social dance, it is a "lead and follow dance", i.e. the man (or lead) guides the woman (or follow) into certain moves that are based in a standard footwork rhythm.


    In some movies, it's not always a routine, it can be improved, but it depends on the movie.  If you list a few, I could tell you if it was choreographed or not!


    Anyways, I Lindy Hop (if you didn't know there is more than one kind of swing dancing), as well as Balboa, Collegiate Shag, Charleston, East Coast Swing, and West Coast Swing.

    Lindy Hop is the original swing dance that evolved from Partner Charleston during the late 1920's in Harlem. From my personal experience it is much more enjoyable that east coast swing or west coast swing (but part of that comes from my love of the swing music, which fits the dance).  If you are curious on what Lindy Hop looks like, here a clip that's considered "The Greatest Swing Dance Routine Ever Capture on Film."


    If you are looking to get into swing dancing, you need to find your local swing dance scene (not necessarily a dance studio)! Try searching you City/State on this website:

    You should try and find a "social swing" night. At these events there will be a cost for going (anywhere from $3 to $10), and there will normally be a free lesson before the social dancing, so it's a great way to meet people, learn something, and you never need a partner.


    If you're a beginner, you'll to want to start out by learning some East Coast Swing. This is the easiest to learn as a beginner. It's a 6-count basic, and stays in that basic. It's also a standard ballroom dance, and is very easy to find a teacher.

    Here's how to dance it:

    You'll want to learn some basic moves like Inside Turn, Outside Turn, Cuddle or Sweetheart, etc.


    After you've mastered the basics of East Coast Swing, then you'll be able to move on to Lindy Hop. It's an 8 count dance that can have different variations.

    Here's how to dance it:

    In addition you should learn other swing type dances like Charleston, Balboa and Collegiate Shag.


    There are a few free instructional videos on YouTube and Google Video you can search for, but I find the best online resource is:

    They have some free lessons, but most you have to pay for . . . don't worry, it's only a $1 per video, so that's pretty cheap! (Try searching "idance" on youtube and googlevideo to see free lessons they've posted.)

    You can also find out what's going on in the world of swing dancing, by visiting the National Swing Forum at:


    If you want a little inspiration about swing dancing, check out this video (It's from a professional Lindy Hop competition):

    I hope that helps!

  4. When 90% of the country were listening to swing music (a massive number that can't be duplicated by any current musical genre) kids taught each other, but the most efficient way to learn is lessons.

    It can indeed be highly choreographed, but there's no need to have any choreography at all. It's a completely social dance at its best, but that leaves out the "air steps" that catch the attention so much. They're too dangerous to other couples for use in social dancing, anyway.

  5. If you want to get really good, you should look for a swing dance studio or club near you.

    You can look up places like this -, or you can just watch videos on youtube and try to figure it out on your own.

    I swing dance with a few other friends, and we learned from videos and also from a swing dance instructor who gives us lessons for free.

    Most swingers make it up as they go along, with the guy leading. These however, are mostly professionals who know enough swing dancing moves to move from one move to the next and keep it going.

    There are lots of tutorials on youtube if you are interested in trying to learn!

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