
Swinging the hispanic vote?

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Why is it benificial for the candidates to tell a largely LEGAL immigrant population that they are going to be lax on the ILLEGAL population? If i were a legal immigrant that would make me angrier seeing as how I wouldve had to wait years and go thru all the red tape.

Why arent more hispanic citizens up in arms about amnesty?




  1. Believe we are, I'm one of millions of American Hispanics that are against amnesty. The problem with the two candidates for President is that they think that all Hispanics are part of (NCLA)  La Raza or want amnesty. Also WE are not all Mexicans, we are as Americans as any of you, believe me....

  2. I know many legals that hate illegals.

    But, here is a voting fact, kind of an uncover get the illegal vote.

    In Arizona up till last year you did not have to show ID to vote.

    Check what your State laws are.

  3. Because the candidates know that deporting all of the 12-20 million illegals would be devestating to the economy. They know that many people that are legal have friends and family that are not legal. They know the prospect of deporting parents of legal children would be looked down upon by many  (and would leave many American children parentless or forced to go to their parents countries where they will likely forget English or have an accent which would make things difficult for them if/when they try to return). There are many reasons they have to be cautious with illegal immigrant issues. Alot more is at stake than most people want to consider (think how many illegals own homes, and no not all by illegal means, with foreclosures going crazy around the country with no sign of stopping, why would we want to add more to it with deporting the millions of illegal homeowners? ITIN loan homeowners actually have a less default rate than traditional loans...). All in all candidates have to consider the big picture of what deportation of mass amounts of illegals would mean.

    I personally think that those with criminal records should definetly be deported. Those who have otherwise been upstanding citizens (ie haven't caused any trouble in the community), those with families, homeowners, should be given amnesty (depending on each individual case). I know there was talk awhile back about each illegal having to pay a $5,000 fee to get their papers, that doesnt seem like such a bad thing. I know alot would be willing to pay this amount for their entire families. But we also would need to secure the boarder more to be sure that the flow is being slowed or eliminated. Fortunetly, Mexico's president, and hopefully our future president, is trying to improve the economy in Mexico so that the prospect of migrating illegally isnt as attractive.

  4. The illegal aliens are voting... massively in some places such as California.

    BOTH parties want the illegal aliens as member of their party.

    Big Business wants the illegal aliens amnestied.

    I believe some folks actually believe everyone who has experience with illegal aliens and do NOT want them...   are racists.  I believe both Obama and McCain are thorough going bigots and believe that is the cause for their current activity.


    Keep in mind that Kennedy stood up at Obama's kick-off and accused all Americans of being racists.. that Obama would not get a hearing and discussion.  I also believe some groups intensively use the internet to massively spread the idea that all and any are .. racists.  We need another way of communicating beside the anonymity of the internet and the only way we, the people, will ever get control of the country again, is with the vote and a national ballot initiative.


    Believe we are, I'm one of millions of American Hispanics that are against amnesty. The problem with the two candidates for President is that they think that all Hispanics are part of (NCLA) La Raza or want amnesty. Also WE are not all Mexicans, we are as Americans as any of you, believe me....


    Amen.  And you are also the leaders of tomorrow.  I believe the illegal aliens cannot be accommodated without harming those minority groups that are coming forward to assume that leadership.

  5. The candidates know that a good number of Legal immigrants have Illegal family members or friends in the states, so they don't want to make them angry and lose their vote. But no one really knows the truth on how they stand on these issues until they are in office.

    Hispanics are up in arms for the same reason, some have family members that are here illegally, they have friends, they know they are good people with families, and these families will be torn apart.

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