
Switch 720's?

by Guest63135  |  earlier

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I've been working on these for a while. But does anyone have any tips so the when I land I don't just slip out. I tend to land centered but the momentum from the spin makes my board slide out making me fall on my back. I ride goofy if that is any help, and I'm spinning backside. Other random thing that might be helpful, I don't really like grabbing when I spin switch, it just doesn't feel normal for me. I can do switch 360's fine, but the quicker spin throws me off (I think).

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!




  1. If you are really throwing switch 720's you should have lots of friends on the hill who can watch your landings.  The only way to really figure out why you are blowing your landings is to see it happen.  If you don't have friends, hire a certified instructor to provide some feedback!

  2. don't land on the flat of your board, try to land into a toe side if you're doing a backside and heels if your doing a front side.
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