
Switch kick (lead kick)?

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Alright guys, I feel that my switch kick just feels awkward and not right.I don't know, I can't explain how it feels wrong, i just know it isn't right. I know I have to switch my stance fast but I feel i dont swing my leg out wide enough or something...idk!! It's really starting to p*ss me off though! lol Can someone give me some tips on this please?


i would ask my instructor, but something came up financially and i had to discontinue my training temporarily...




  1. Do it in the mirror over and over and it will feel natural, do that naked so you can really see how it moves

  2. Try practicing the kick without the switch.  So if you are in a right lead normally, switch to a left lead.  Check your stance carefully and practice the kick until it feels correct.  Watch your hips especially - most people don't lead with their hips and point their knees incorrectly when they throw their "weak" side kick / knee.

    Once you have the kick down in this stance, start in your normal lead and drill the footwork a while.  Just switch from one stance to the other.  A lot of times people switch stances with their feet, but don't fully switch their upper bodies.  Or when they switch stances, they move to an incorrect stance.  Focus on the basic stance for foot position and your kick should improve.  I'd bet when you switch your feet end up too close together...just a guess.  Check yourself out in a mirror and correct it.

    Once you have both parts of the move (stance and kick) separately, put them together.  Switch, pause to check your stance, then kick.  repeat till it feels right!

    Good luck

  3. I've neglected my Muay Thai pretty badly, so as the previous poster mentioned, I probably don't know what I'm talking about.

    But if you feel your range is off, then you might want to look into where you're placing your base foot after your switch.  

    This may be elementary to you (but I can't tell, since the explaination is a little thin).  A lot of people tend to replace the foot directly in front of where it was, but I think it's better to go off-angle closer to 45 degrees with the heel already turning out to initiate the kick.

    See if it helps, or just play around with where you put your base foot while practicing on a heavy bag.

  4. Wait until you can talk to your sensai again. These punks on here don't know anything about martial arts.

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