
Switching Schools This Late In The Year??

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I have a dilemma. I am going to be moving from one state to another, and I am wondering if anyone has ever switched their children's schools like this this late in the school year (there's only 3 months left). My daughter would not be a "new" student, as she did go to this school last year, but I am wondering about if it would be wise to make this move now or wait 3 more months.

To make a long story short, I moved in with my fiance last summer who lives in the next state, and our relationship is not working out, so I am wanting to move back home. My daughter is 10 years old. I already have a place to live in my former state, so now it's just a matter of do i move now or wait until summer. I'm not happy at all where I am now. If it were up to me only, I would move asap, but I have her to think about also. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you.




  1. It's OK.

  2. I would call her old school and see what the guidance counselor recommends.  It might not make any difference at all.  What does your daughter think?  She should be involved in this decision.

  3. When i was in 5th grade, i switched schools 12 days before it ended! It gave me time to get some freidns and get to know everybody and the school the next school year.

  4. well i moved my daughter at the same time of year last year but for different reasons. she is now doing well. what is the school like where she would be going, is it a good school?? as long as she is not going to be left to her own devices i am sure she will get on ok.

  5. I think kids at that age are very flexible.  She will be fine.  It will take her a week or two to get adjusted, but I bet she'll do great.  If you are unhappy right now, then she can probably sense that, so if moving will make you happier, then she'll probably be a lot happier too.  Good luck!

  6. If she has been to the school before then there should be no problem but it might take just a little bit of adjusting.

  7. I think you should wait the 3 months and let her finish then move..if its her last year?is she doing well in that should let her finish up..

  8. TALK WITH THE PRINCIPLE FORM THE OTHER SCHOOL... they will tell you if its likely she will be held back or not..

  9. I am 11 and im in middle school i moved a month ago and its not good to make your daughter move now.Theres only 3 months left and its better for her to be there at the begining of the school year because more kids will want to be her friend.If you do it now then she would feel left out and ignored because all the kids know each other and they already have there friends.But if she doesn't like where shes at right now then she could move for a new start.I hope that i helped.

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