
Switching comfort item from binky to something else?

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My daughter is 16 months old and sleeps with a binky. We have gotten it to the point that she only uses it at night and at nap time. I was not too worried about getting her to stop, especially since it is the only comfort item she has and she doesn't sleep well to begin with. However her doctor wants her off of it by 18 months, and she is starting to get annoying with them at night. She has taken to dropping them behind the crib or throwing them across the room. So I need to find some other comfort item and get her to sleep with that, but I do not know how to go about it, other than to just take the binky away and let her cry(not that I am against that, but if there is a calmer way, I would like to try that first) She has a taggie blanket, that she sorta likes, so I think that is our best option. Any ideas?





  1. My oldest daughter used a pacifier when she was little and around the age of 1 my pediatrician told me she really needed to be off it.  One weekend we told her that we really had to give it to another new baby who really needed a pacifier.  She gave it to us reluctantly, but gave it nonetheless.  She cried for a couple nights, wanting it back, but we told her my friend's new baby already had it.  After the 2 nights of her not sleeping much and crying, she never thought about it since.

    Another idea I have heard that works, is letting the child pick out a new stuffed animal or something they like and tell them they have to give up the binkie to have it.  I have also heard of putting the new stuffed animal in a t-shirt that mommy has slept with for a couple of nights.

  2. I am going through the exact same thing.  My daughter has a blankie that she uses as well as a binky (only at night).  What I have started to do, is to take the binky from her when she falls asleep.  She wakes up without it and usually goes back to sleep without it.  I'm hoping, gradually, she'll just not need it anymore.  GOOD LUCK!

  3. I think that the real reason children feel so much anxiety about losing the pacifier is that mommy and daddy show anxiety about having to take it away.  Pretend that its not big deal, or that its icky.  She's not going to want something that mommy thinks is yucky.

    As far as the new comfort item, try the teddy blanket.  Its a teddy bear built into a blanket so she can play with it as well as cuddle under it.  When she is going to bed, tell her to get teddy ready for bed.  Have her pretend to brush its hair, etc. and tuck it in with her.  It might distract her from having the binky all together.

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