
Switching from Verizon to Vonage - Do I or Not?

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I could save $ by switching from Verizon to Vonage, but I worry about dependability and quality. What are the pros and cons? (I'm primarily interested in hearing from those who use or have used Vonage).




  1. VoIP is almost never as reliable as PSTN phone service, regardless who the VoIP service provider is.

    That said, there is great incentive to use VoIP; and the main incentive is to Save Money.  If you are worried about reliability, first try VoIP as a long distance service.  You can save substantial money just on long distance service alone.

    Before jumping in head first, give VoIP a try as a 2nd phone line.  Use it for all long distance calling.  Use it as a 2nd phone line and see how reliable it is and how you like it...... before you pull the plug on Verizon.

    That is what I did.  I tested many VoIP services over a period of many, many months.  Once I was satisfied that VoIP was "reliable enough for me", I pulled the plug on my local PSTN Telco provider.

    I've been 100% VoIP for over a year now.

    But, every person has to decide their own personal level of comfort when it comes to reliability using VoIP.

  2. Verizon will be there for you, forever.  Vonage is one of the many telecom companies that will fall by the wayside.  There are too many competitors in the business.

    If Vonage is cheaper, contact Verizon and see if they can match the cost and service.

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