
Switching from a pediatrician to an adult doctor question...?

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ok im 15 and i want to switch to an adult doctor soon..the pediatricans office is filled with baby stuff and crying children and i dont like little kids crying & im like one of the oldest kids there...

but the thing is..if i was to switch to an adult female doctor what would the differences be? would they have to like look at my privates more? (sorry i just find it really uncomfortable already...) & all this stuff

or will it basically be the same as the the same tests and whatnot ?




  1. It's basically the same. They will start asking you more questions about that kind of stuff, but really, they won't check unless you think you have a problem or something.

  2. The adult doctor is called the gynecologist. You don't seem ready to make that switch. Just wait until you're 18. Besides that's not a good enough reason to want to stop going to the pediatrican's. I'm 16, and I still see a pediatrician.

  3. i think it be about the same thing...pediatricians tend to work more with babies, kids, and teenagers...

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