
Switching from petrol to diesel car?

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Hi All, do you recommend this and why? (looking for details of petrol vs diesel fuel prices, car servicing costs for the two, Miles Per Gallon you get from both, resale of a diesel, cost of a diesel car vs a petrol, how many miles you think you need to do in a year to make a diesel worthwhile, the disadvantages of having a diesel, etc etc. Thinking of doing it but just want to check to see what you folks think and if it is a good move? Any comments from people who have done the jump would be great too!! Thx, K




  1. All things being equal, a diesel car will get better fuel economy.  Diesels tend to have a longer life and a bit less maintenance cost.  On the other hand, upon occasion, the availability of diesel fuel is a smidge less but hardly a real problem.  And God only knows why diesel costs more nowadays than gas; however, the better fuel economy can more than compensate for that.

    Just make sure that you take an extended drive-test in one as you may not like the different sound that it makes.  Ideally, rent one for a few days or a week to really get a feel for it.

    Personally, I'd like to see how a Mercedes/Smart diesel car checks out.  I hear of 70 mpg under ideal conditions!

  2. all things considered, diesels do not get better fuel economy.  First you have to understand that diesel fuel has more energy per gallon, so it has to get 15% more miles per gallon than potrol just to have equal fuel economy.  You'll also notice that diesel is running more than petrol, thats again because it has more energy per gallon.

  3. If you get a decent diesel then it is definitly worth it. Watch out for the naff diesel engines through. We had a peugeot 406 2.1 diesel which did 39MPG, we then replaced this with a ford mondeo petrol which did 38 MPG. Although the diesel is slightly better economy the cost of diesel is higher and in this case actually makes the diesel more expensive to run.

    If you get a good diesel engines you will get much better economy. We now have a rover 200 diesel which does 49MPG and a peugeot 406 HDi which does 51MPG. 38MPG is fairy good for a 1.8 petrol but its pants against the diesel engines I have just mentioned. Even though it will cost you more to fill up the tank on a diesel the same tank will go alot further so you will get your money back.

    All of the peugeot HDi range are very good, 1.4l 206 will do 65MPG. I also believe the Audi's are very good around 60MPG I think

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