
Switching obgyn..?

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Has anyone ever had to switch their ob @ 14 wks (or more)? How did you find one that was on the same wavelength as you as far as similar birthing plans & principles during preg etc?





  1. I did not switch my OB with my first pregnancy, but I TOTALLY wish I had.  I wanted a natural delivery, and my doctor was really opposed to that. I knew while I was pregnant that it wasn't a good match, but I stuck it out for financial reasons and not wanting to go through the hassle of changing. But, in labor, my experience was negative because my OB gave me a really hard time about laboring without drugs. He was so frustrated with me, that I actually think he was deliberately rough with me when checking me for dilation (he made me be checked sitting up, which is much more painful and less accurate, he also made me bleed with how rough he was). I am now pregnant with number 2 and am going with a different OB - one that is recommended by friends and is more in tune with my thinking about pregnancy and labor.  My advice to you is if you aren't comfortorable with your OB, switch. It's well worth it so that you have a positive birth experience, whatever your values, plans, are.  My best advice about how to find an OB is to ask friends about who they see, and what their OBs are like and see if there is one that you think would work for you. If you are looking for a more "natural" pregnancy and delivery, you may want to ask a local doula group, or mother's who participate in La Leche League in your area (that is how I found my daughter's pediatrician who was pro-breastfeeding and comfortable with me delaying her immunizations), also, you may want to look into using a midwife or using an OB that has midwives in his practice (because more than likely an OB that works with midwives will be more open to the natural birthing process). I am not sure if that is the labor experience you are looking for. On the opposite end of the spectrum, if you are looking for an OB who is more willing to use interventions that you may want (ie c-section, stripping membranes, induction) you may want to look for a practice that manages high risk pregnancies. They tend to be more willing to use medical interventions. Hope this helps! Good luck and congrats on your pregnancy.

  2. In order for you determine the right doctor, then you will need to visit the doctors or call around to find the right one.

  3. Oh, there is nothing wrong (short of during delivery) in changing your ob at any time!  You can do interviews to ask questions, or you can try Angie's List or too look at their scores too.

  4. I moved to a different state during my first pregnancy (I was 4 months pregnant) so I had to find a new ob.  You should call around and see if they will be willing to meet you, I found that if they aren't than it's not worth trying to see them.  Make a list of questions and go meet the ones that are willing to. I found for my second pregnancy that a certified nurse midwife was more along what I wanted than any of the obs I talked to.  Good luck!

  5. I haven't, but try if you're looking for a doctor who will respect your birth plan, there are boards on there corresponding to different areas of the country and you could probably get some good referrals.  I would also HIGHLY recommend hiring a doula to support you and make sure your wishes for your birth are respected.
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