
Switching phones on verizon?

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I recently got the venus phone from verizon. Overall I have been really disapointed. But today, when I took it out of my bag I quickly noticed that the silver edge was crumbling off! Especially on one side. And once I touched that part even more came off.

I now want to switch phones to either the palm centro, blackberry, or blackberry pearl. Or if you have another suggestion.

So how much is going to switch phones cost? Will I get a lower cost because what happened?

Also if you have verizon , what phone do you have, and how do you like it?

Thank you soooo much!




  1. you have to buy the phone and then activate it and then switch over all your stuff. idk about a discount youll have to talk to them about that. i have the env2 and love it. its very easy to text on. hope i helped

  2. touch yourself then do it again

  3. i have verizon and i have the Env..and seriuosly..its the best...when i drop it i dont even see the scratches..adn it works really good..really good battery too. i got silver btw

  4. If your phone is under a month old, then you'll be able to switch to any other phone. I personally have, and recommend the palm centro..its a great phone! Unfortunetly, if your past a month, then it will have to be swapped out under manufactures warranty, which means you'll get the Venus again.  

  5. You need to have insurance on your phone to be able to do that without paying a large price- and I have the Alias- i've had it for over a year and am very satisfied with it

    Heres what it looks like- its a dual flip fone

  6. I noticed that both the venus and the voyager had major problems. I switched over to the EnV then to the glide. Both phones were great. They have that keyboard that makes texting easier and the visual is still good. Its going to cost a pretty penny cause verizon will claim that nothing was wrong with the phone. they always do so. They charge you 20 for each line you need to switch and they will charge you the cost of the phone. I doubt you'll get a lower cost but Im rooting for ya! best of luck

  7. you will have to pay some big bucks to get a new one and you wont get any discounts.   i have an lg vx8600 and i love it it works perfectly

  8. If its been under 30 days since you got it you can just take it back & get the one you want.  You have 30 day trial.  If its been over, you will more than likely have to pay full price for another phone, I would suggest finding a used one somewhere....i.e...ebay, craigslist.  I have the EnV & I like it.

  9. it will probably cost how much the new phone is.go to

    i have a venus to got it bout a week ago and i love it mine has not scatched up.

  10. You have a month to switch out your phone, but you will have to pay in full for whichever phone you choose as you will still be on the same plan, you only get a discount when buying a new plan.

    I have an LG VX8600 and it works great. Good signal, great for listening to music, and the camera is okay on it. Don't bother trying to buy it though, I'm pretty sure they don't produce them anymore. But my parents have the LG Voyager and they couldn't be happier. So that's a good one to look for. Verizon is the best service as far as dropped calls go, and they have a great selection for phones. From talking to people who have had Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile, Alltel and Nextel, and they all have not been happy with their services. Stick to Verizon.

  11. Version is the worst company for cell phones. You should switch to at&t (which use to cingular) and get the iphone. I think it costs the same as the blackberry pearl but you have to buy internet. Who doesn't need internet?!?And i have the iphone 3G. It's awesome!!!!!!

  12. okay well i don't have verizon but my friend does and shes got this phone:

    and shes loves it

    don't get the palm, the keyboard is way small!

    if you buy it online you get a discount! :]

    try to get your phone changed soon

    i think you can change your phone with no cost for like 30 days or something..?

    hope this helped=]

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