
Switching regulars to super villains or hero's?

by  |  earlier

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Who would be who?

Example: Nips = Captain Underpants,

Freckles = Cat Woman,

Beer Slayer = Hancock, etc




  1. bibbops: It's about the hockey section regulars, that's why. Now shut up and go away.

    I'll be Captain Planet...  and I nominate heavysoviet as the Joker.  He seems like the type to watch the world burn.

  2. I would probably be the Hulk, big and ugly with a bad temper ha ha ha.

  3. I could be the Smart-*** Kid.

    Sara - You can't be a Power RANGER if you're a DEVILS fan. lol

  4. Joe= Captain Midnight ;)

  5. why is this in the hockey section

  6. Hi

    Tuna Spearer would become ... Salmon Prober

    Thank You

  7. Can I be the Yellow Power Ranger, from back in the 90s?  Haha, she was Asian too!  lol :)

    Ok fine, I'll be a Power DEVIL.  Power Devils kick Power Rangers' butts!  :)

    And Joe is Captain Underpants.  His avatar never has any.

  8. I thought BeerSlayer would be Capt. Underpants...he can never find his real ones.

    Copas wins just for Whackoff Smirnoff- I'm still LMFAO.

  9. Soviet Dude-"Captain Suspendedalot".Up in the air,it's a bird,it's a plane..Nope Its Viktor cussing out the bird and the plane.I see a crappy sitcom in the future.

  10. Homes-- the Human Sponge-- Ridding the planet of all its alcoholic beverages one at a time.. instead of 9 lives she has 9 livers..  Secret weapon-- The Urine Tsunami..

    Heavysoviet-- Whackoff Smirnoff-- Mild mannered condom pre-tester by day-- Crime fighting-- goo slinging pervert by night.. He takes Justice into his own hands-- LITERALLY!!

    Joe B-- Mr. Hey man, take a hit of this schitt.. His logo is a tye-dyed peace sign t-shirt-- because if you use all the first letters from his super hero identity, it comes out like that friggin crows foot in a circle logo.. Special powers--- Guess what---- HE CAN FLY-- ... (crashes like Amtrak on occasion too)..

    Jenni-- Crouching Cougar-- Hidden Locations.. Should be a law-- Every woman on Earth should learn from this master.. "Circular breathing" is her weapon of choice in taking the "life" out of her opposition.. (Did I mention technically I still like 2 credits graduating ) LMFAO...

    Lity-- The Wizard of Oz..  Just like Dorothy and the gang did all that stuff for the other wizard, How many in here would be filling their stomachs with dung if this guy just got a wild hair one day and said it tasted like frozen yogurt??  EXACTLY!!!!!!  

    Mikey-- Boomhauer from "King of the Hill"-- Ever tried to read what he is trying to communicate to us when the Av's are on a win streak?? "Ding ol dang ol Avs man got a dang ol goal over there -n- the big ol light went on and dang ol train horn go WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO "..  

    When the Av's are sucking s*****m, he can be transformed into Boomhauers neighbor, Dale Gribble.. "Its a plot by the US government to have the Avalanche stink and get the fans to riot and destroy the Cheyenne Mountain missle complex in a mass attempt to bring back the glow puck" -- these types of conspiracy comments are frequent after a 3 game losing streak..

    RZ-- HEY, arent you a Padawan under someone??  LMAO....  I'm not touching that one till your 18...

    Nips--- The Firebreathing Hoosier..  With a name like nips, one knows what he likes observing.. and from this, we could even gather his favorite place to eat---- Thats right-- HOOTERS!!!  After years of eating thousands of hotwings, our self-inflicted  hot lipped Indiana boy has been burning up the local scene in Indy..  Sidekick, drinking buddy and sober ride--- Jared from Subway...  Yes-- those are Nips pants Jared always shows off..

  11. Copas = BA

  12. is a good thing you have a family and whatnot, because I would lustfully slap you across the face for calling me a sponge, lol.

    RZ, you would be the princess of Banjarmasin.  Riding on your jet ski of holiness.  

  13. LOL Copas and Joe, y'all just made my f*cking day! I can't come up with anything, I'm cracking up at it still!

    Thanks for the mention Jeff! Its true. :)

  14. I don't know what I would be, but NIPS and Joe would either be "The Ambiguously g*y Duo" ( ) or these guys: (I'm just messin with you guys of course, lol)

    Absolutely LMAO @ Copas answer! That was gutbusting!!! That's the BA right there! Actually, I can totally see myself being like Boomhauer after a win and Dale after a loss, LOL!

  15. Can i be the Troll Hunter?

  16. Gee thanks... and for your info... What is underwear or underpants?

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