
Switching to Whole Milk from Similac Alimentum?

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My son is 1 yr. old now and has been on Similac Alimentum since he was 3 months old due to cow milk protein allergies and some reflux. I have been doing half formula and half whole milk for about a week now. He has had some weird bowel movements.. today it was orange. He has anywhere from 4-6 a day.. which is not normal for him. Is this a normal result from the transition to whole milk or should I be concerned. Any help would be appreciated. (:




  1. i am not sure but if you get any good advice please let me know my son is also on alimentum and i have worried about the same thing you my want to ask his doc

    my son is 6 months so i have some time before i go through this maybe try lactad milk my 10 year old brother was lactose intolerant and that's what my mom had to get but he grew out of it

  2. My daughter was on Alimentum for almost 8 months.  We slowly transitioned her to regular Similac at 10 months.  At a year, we slowly transitioned between regular Similac and whole milk.  She did have some strange bowel movements.

    I would keep an eye on it.  As long as he doesn't seem in pain, or they very loose like diarrhea stools, then I wouldn't worry too much about it.  They should clear up once his system gets use to the milk.

    Also, my daughters bowel movements change based on what she is eating.  When she eats lots of sweet potatoes, she has orangeish stools.  When she eats lots of blueberries...blueish stools.

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