
Switching to cow's milk..

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When switching to cow's milk from formula, do I go directly to cow's milk or do I mix it half and half and go from there?




  1. It really depends on your child.  My daughter went straight to cow's milk with no problems.  But I've heard a lot of people say that their children wouldn't drink just cow's milk at first or it constipated them.  So try both & see which works best for your child.

  2. you can switch directly or do half and half. what i did for my kids it start with one bottle a day to see how they handled it (a few days). If all goes well with the one bottle a day for a few days then there is no need to do half and half.  

  3. you can do either if the child is old child wouldn't take cow milk at first and when she finally did it had to be warmed up. so that might be something to keep in mind.its not going to hurt the milk to warm it a little

  4. Once your baby turns 1, you CAN just do it abrubtly, but not all babies will take to the difference in taste.  Easing them in with a mixture is an okay solution.  Or, you could try replacing 1 feeding per week.  Good luck.

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