
Switzerland hospital medical bill (Geneva) - help reading it etc! Can you speak French?

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My daughter was taken by ambulance to a Swiss hospital. I can't read the bill because it is in French but it is reasonably self-explanatory. I presume taxe di'urgence is an ambulance?! What I really need to know is how can I pay this from England. Does one send an international money order or what? The amount is 153.95 swiss francs which I believe is about £65 Also I'm not sure about the address and how to lay it out on the envelope so it gets there. This is what I have:

Hopital de la Tour Ambu

AvenueJ-D Maillard 3,

1217 Meyrin

There is another bit under the address that says Concordat: A3911.25 is this part of the address or not? should I then put Geneva, Switzerland?

The most important bit is how to send the money so its not stolen in the post.

Thank you for your help.




  1. hello, I do speak french , email me the all text if you wish translation.

    "Taxe d'urgence" sounds an additional tax for receiving urgent assistance in the hospital. Ambulance is "Ambulance" in french too.

    suggestion :

    I assume that the bill should not only contain the address but probably some Past or Bank account reference you may use  going to your own Bank and asking for an international money transfer which is the safest;

    anything looking like '"paiement à" '(payment to), or  "numéro de compte" (account number ) ?

    Now regarding the address, don't add Geneva to it since Meyrin is the town name. Only put Switzerland. let me know if you'll need further help.

  2. the concordat part is not part of the adress, and as for the sending of the money.... can't the bank transfer it for you?

  3. The address is OK and the bill is for the actual emergency, an ambulance is around 670 Swiss francs, ( I live in Switzerland ) As for paying they may have sent you a pink slip with the bill, if they have there should be a bank account number on that, then ask your bank if they can transfer the money, If you like you can e-mail a copy of the bill to me and I will translate it better, and maybe find the bank codes you need.  Oh and if you want to send the cash do so in a recorded dilibery so you have proof of reception, that is very important here.

  4. I think I would consult a local bank, the address looks good. You probably can contact someone in London that can speak French as well and provide you with some additional information. Another thought is to translate the information and see if you can go to their website. Hope this is helpful and daughter is okay.

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