
Swolen, red and VERY SORE gums. HELP!?

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It is only in one area (above one tooth) and It is quite swolen. It hrts so bad. How can I get rid of it??? I need help, and fast...




  1. could be an abscess, could be something tiny ( like a strawberry seed) got stuck under the gum.   could be infected for some reason.

    i would call the dentist and ask him/her to  take a quick look, because, the truth is, you can't tell if it is serious or  not.

  2. that happens to me after i brush my teeth with a new toothbrush. the only way they go away for me is time.

  3. sounds like you aren't brushing your gums enough and you have a small infection from the plaque that stays on them from them not getting brushed. I would suggest that you get an electric toothbrush, they are the most efficient in keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy. It used to happen to me until i switched to my electric toothbrush. I use an oral b I got it at walmart for $20

  4. If only I can examine your gum myself, but... no, I can't. Anyway, I think you're having periodontitis. Your periodontal tissues are inflammed. Being in dentistry, there are actually cases where inflammation of periodontal tissues lead to other harmful complications such as swelling of the whole jaw or face if the inflammation and infection spreads. This is a case when the bone surrounding the teeth itself is infected and produces pus which spreads to other part of head and neck. Very dangerous, seriously. My advise is brush your teeth properly and see a dentist immediately. I know that I might sound a little bit too worried, but trust me for this. If I'm wrong, then it won't harm you anyway. Hope you'll get well soon :)

  5. Put some numbing teeth stuff on it--I think it's called oragel or something.  But before you put that on your gums, gargel with salt water or hydrogen-peroxide (with water).  If this continues to hurt in the next few days, see your dentist, maybe it's a teeth growing out or about to fall out and it's irritating your gums.  Take care--hope you get better!

  6. Gargle with warm salt water and take Advil or Tylenol if you are not allergic to either one.

  7. See your dentist! It might be gingivitis.

  8. When you have swollen, red very sore gums it usually caused by not flossing. floss around the tooth and bleeding will occur but that's normal. floss everyday and get a cleaning once a year. rinse with warm salt water.

  9. Rub some salt into your gums.

    If this doesn't help, try rubbing them hard with a coarse sponge.

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