
Swollen ankle and foot 10 points best answer?

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my ankle and foot is really swollen and school starts next week and i need to get rid of this. any home remedies to get rid of it? i used benadryl, calimine lotion, and i called my doctor and she said that all i need to do is rub a potato on it. anything that anyone has tried that worked? PLEASE HELPP SCHOOL IS NEXT WEEK AND I NEED TO GET RID OF IT.




  1. stay off it and follow R.I.C.E. "Rest" it and keep off it. "Ice" it to keep down swelling. "Compression", wrap a bandage around it to keep down the swelling. But don't cut off your blood circulation!  "Elevate" it say, on a pillow.

    Hope this helps!

  2. elevate it and wrap ice around it

  3. keep it wrapped, dont walk on it, and put ice on it.  

  4. ummm. well what caused it?

    go to the doctor again.

  5. Stay off your swollen leg, and keep it raised on a pillow. Take a warm bath with epsom salts.  

  6. try  not to walk on it or pressure. keep it wrapped  

  7. Ice or frozen peas wrapped in a towel or something as the cold could burn your skin.

    Keep it elevated & don't walk on it for a while

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