
Swollen finger after kitty bite...

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I took my baby (not really--she's about ten now) to the vet today, and for some reason my cat was being incredibly difficult. I attribute this to a new vet who treated her a little roughly than she's used to.

It got to the point where I had to hold her down so he could give her her shots. She bit my finger really hard on the joint. I don't blame her for it because she was scared out of her mind, but my thumb has gotten very swollen and I can hardly move it without it hurting. The puncture wounds were small, but pretty deep and bloody.

The pain numbs when I keep my thumb absolutely still, but it still throbs. This happened around nine in the morning (it's 12:20 am now) and it's just gotten worse and worse. Please help. D: I don't like not being able to use my thumb. Kinda need it and everything. Perhaps I'm just being a baby about this, but I've never had this happen before from a cat bite.




  1. the swelling is just normal since your body is trying to protect you from the particles that went inside your system when the cat bit you.  these particles can be from the saliva of the cat and some dirt.

    the swelling is caused in order to keep all those particles in that area and to be able to flow through your system.

    drink lots of fluids and take some antibiotics as a precaution.

  2. Cat bites should always be monitored.

    Try soaking it in epsom salts and flush the puncture wounds out very well. Put neosporin on the wounds but don't put a band-aid on, leave it open so air gets into it.

    If you continue to have pain and swelling then you should see the doctor. Cat bites are nothing to mess with and can cause life threatening infections.

    Please be careful and watch this bite carefully. Bravo to you for not blaming you cat for biting!

  3. I forgot the obvious name lol, if it was deep and since its swolen, your finger can get paralized that way probably.

  4. I was bitten on two separate occasions by my previous cat during visits to the vet. Each time blood was drawn and my hand swelled up quite a bit, so that the skin was very smooth. (I jokingly referred to it as having hand botox). I didn't bother going to the doctor, I just kept cleaning the wounds with antiseptic and within two weeks my hand was back to normal.

    If you have a throbbing sensation in your finger, it probably means you've got an infection, in which case you might want to visit your doctor for some antibiotics.

    You may have heard horror stories of bites becoming infected and causing serious health problems, but remember that these incidents are only newsworthy because they are rare.  Thousands of vet clinic and shelter workers worldwide get bitten by cats, without any serious after effects.

    The link below has information and advice on how to treat cat bites, which may help reassure you.

    Hope your finger feels better soon.

  5. sounds like your cat got a tendon or bit directly into the joint and its now infected. you need to see a doctor ASAP, go to the ER or a walk in clinic. Cat bites can be dangerous. Be sure to put some ice on it. it should help with the swelling but please see a doc. if you have an injury that impairs a joint you always need to consult a physician. you probably need antibiotics

  6. You need to go to the doctor for antibiotics, cat bites can cause really bad infections, I ended up in the ER even after taking antibiotics, and nearly passed out with the pain, and my hand was swollen to three times normal size. good luck

  7. you got a mild infection. other people will answer here and tell you to got to the doctor and get antibiotics from them but that is really a lot of wasted time and effort and cash. just rinse it really well. rinse it with rubbing alcohol, wash it with water. put some neosporin on and then a band-aid. you will be fine and wont have to put your body threw the stresses you would if you were using a strong antibiotic.

    by the way that first answers experience is not common and probably means she has a very weak system or is allergic to something in the bite.

  8. Puncture wounds can really hurt. If it's swollen, hot to the touch or red, it would be a good idea to go to the doctor. Most likely some bacteria entered your thumb and can cause an infection. The doctor will give you an antibiotic and while you are there, make sure that you are up to date on your tetanus shots.

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