
Swollen gum in between two molars

by  |  earlier

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About 4 days ago, I was eating popcorn and I think I got a piece of it in between two molars. I got the piece of it out but my gum has swollen like no other. Its actually swollen so much that its filling in the gap between the two molars. How can I fix this? Ive started to brush 3 times a day instead of 2 but its still there and still hurts.




  1. Hello, it sounds as though you may still have a piece of the popcorn between the tooth and the gum, only much deeper than you realize....If you happen to have a dental "water-pik" you could possibly flush it out. Even if you do it will take a couple of day's for the gum tissue to recover..."OR" you could just go to the Dentist and have his Hygienist examine the area and use specialized instruments to remove anything she finds between the teeth,,,You probably need a good tooth cleaning anyway. Good luck and I wish you well

  2. I am a dental assistant, and I see this all the time. Best thing for you to do is to go to the dentist. Chances are, you have and infection growing in between those teeth [infections are prominent in the posterior of the mouth]. The dentist will take an x-ray, take a look at your gums, and will most likely prescribe a type of antibiotic for you to take for a couple weeks. The swelling should go down, but in 2 weeks, the denstist will ask you to come back for a check up. At this time, if the swelling doesn't go down, the dentist may want to do further work.

  3. Absess tooth.  I used to get these ALL the time.  Just go to the dentist and tell him about swollen gums.  He will give you a prescription and just take the medication.  They dont really go away so you should go to a doctor.

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