
Swollen lymph node behind ear?? infection or what?

by Guest61034  |  earlier

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behind my right ear i have a swollen lymph node it isn't to big. i don't feel sick or anything. so what might it be? i just noticed it a few days ago after swimming in freezing water =) at ocean. i would really like to know.




  1. A lymph node can be swollen because your body is fighting an infection and winning. In that case, you'll never feel sick because your body won the battle.  

    Lymph nodes can also swell up with an infection you notice, such as a sore throat.  They usually swell in an area close to the infection, if your neck nodes are swollen you may have a sore throat, if your groin nodes are swollen you could have an STD etc.  Do you have an ear infection brewing from your swim?

    Here is the annoying thing about lymph nodes, if you touch them, rub them, poke at them they can literally take MONTHS to go back to normal size. So don't manipulate them.  

    If you continue to feel well, great, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.  Call your doctor if more swell or if you start to feel crappy.


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