
Swollen paw?

by  |  earlier

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my hamster's front paw is red and swollen, he's limbing and sleeps in a ball in his wheel. i don't know why his paw is like that or how to treat it.




  1. My advice is to take your hamster to the vet. It could be bumblefoot. I copied and pasted some information for you.

    What it is:

    Bumblefoot is a complex problem that result from inflammation of the bottom surface of the foot. It starts out as small reddened bumps that looks a bit like calluses. These bumps can eventually become quite large and may intermittently bleed and scab over.

    How it is caused:

    Pressure or roughness on the foot, typically from wired floors, rough bedding, being overweight, and wet/dirty surfaces.

    How to cure it:

    A combination of oral antibiotic treatment, along with topical cleaning and treatment of the wounds (as directed by your vet), is usually the first course of treatment. For bumblefoot lesions that do not respond, surgical treatment may be necessary, but this has significant risks and variable success.

    I wish you and your hamster the best of luck!

  2. idk take it to the vet..

  3. Take him to the veterinary they will treat the paw with care.

  4. take it to the vet ASAP

  5. Take him to a vet immediately. In all probability, he has hurt his leg either on the wires of the cage or in the bedding and it has got infected, hence he is in pain and limping. At this stage, it is best to take professional help since he would require antibiotics. Do not delay this since the hamster's health might be at risk. All the best & hope you hamster gets well soon.

    Further, have the cage, exercise wheel, tunnels and the toys in the cage checked to rule out any sharp ends. Also check the bedding. Majority of hamsters have hurt themselves on rough pine or cedar bedding. The best bedding is aspen shavings supplemented with untreated / unbleached / non fragrant toilet paper.

  6. You should definitely take it to the vet.

  7. take him to the vet if u Waite too long it could get bad

  8. If the paw has been like that longer than a week, and you are providing the hamster with adequate living conditions, food, water, etc. then it could be an infection, and would likely require anti-biotics which could cost anywhere from $30-100 dollars.

  9. If he spends alot of time on the wheel or if the floor of his cage is wired he could have bumble foot. It looks like welts or growths on his/her feet. I would take it to the vet as soon as possible.

  10. Probably needs a vet.  It sounds like an infection and requires an antibiotic.  If you think it is broken, uncommon, but possible.

  11. is he in a cage with wire levels or is his wheel wire? he could have gotten it caught in something or cut it somehow

    edit: he might have been climbing and had his foot catch in the wire. i'd take him to the vet to rule out him breaking it and such. if there's broken skin and it looks like and infection you can wash it off with warm (not too warm!) water and put a small amount of neosporin plus on it. if it keeps up definately take him to the vet.

    good luck =)
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