
Swollen weeks after wisdom teeth removed?

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I got my wisdom teeth removed about three weeks ago, and all the swelling and pain went away a little after the first week. I've been rinsing with salt water and with mouthwash too, but one side of my mouth has become swollen again over the past few days. I CAN'T talk to a dentist or oral surgeon because it's the weekend and they're closed. Does anybody have any advice on what I can do until Monday? Or is my only option really to just keep rinsing?




  1. Get some orajel, and take some pain pills. You can take up to 3 advil without any ill effects. You may have dry sockets, which would cause alot of pain and such. Keep rinsing, and hang in there. Also, keep putting the cold pad on it.  

  2. i just got mine out 4 days ago and mine barely swelled up, so maybe its just how youre body is dealing with it.

  3. I had a lower molar pulled a week ago today and my cheek on that side is still swollen , doc said everything looked ok though , go back monday and get two more pulled!! Hang in there

  4. Try taking Ibuprofin it will help with the pain and reduce swelling. You can take 800mg three times a day. Drink lots of water. Try using a heating pad or moist warm cloth and holding it against the side that's bugging you. It should help the blood to circulate which will also reduce swelling (and it feels good).  

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