
Sword Fighting VS Fencing, what is the difference and what is similar?

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What is the difference and the similarities of Sword Fighting (Medieval sport) VS Fencing (Modern Day)?




  1. right of way, counting points and  valid areas. Medieval sport isn't even hte origin of fencing. it originates from the renaissance times. It was first taught as a gentleman's necessity:foil was derived from dueling for honor. it  was  only first blood from the torso, leading to the torso being the only valid area in foil. épée was from duels to the death, so the whole body is fair game nowadays. Sabre is cavalry-related, so only the top half is counted as a touch/score. This is also the reason why the whole sword (and not just the point) can be used for attack. I have no idea when "right of way/ attack" came in, but it was most certainly not when it was an actual martial art. Now, fencing is a sport with symbolism. Although in a pinch, a fencer  could still fight well.

  2. In fencing, you use swords but they are flimsy and you do not get hurt.

    In sword fighting, someone has to get hurt.

  3. The art of Fencing, or defense was invented at a way for the masters (really good sword fighters) to train men in the art of sword fighting so that they would not die in a duel.  The target area for the foil is set up so that all the fatal areas would be hit (the stomach, the heart, etc...).  Also, they then came up with a "right-of-way" for scoring.  This stated that if the student was attacked, then they should not just run into the opponent's blade, they should first defend (parry) and then make their own attack (riposte).

    The main similarities between "real" sword fighting and fencing are the ways that the weapons are used.  The Epee is the closest thing to a "real" sword because there is no "right-of-way",  Whoever hits first, wins the touch (point), as it would be if the swords actually drew blood.

    If you are interested, the first actual record of a fencing duel was back in Egypt.  On one of the pyramids there is a picture of two sword fighters.  Their weapons are blunted, and they are wearing padding and masks.  They are also fighting in front of an audience. Fencing has been used as a form of entertainment for centuries.

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