
Sydney Harbour bridge...?

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I'm in skl at the moment and i need help with some work... Can nebody tell me why the sydney harbour bridge is suited to its environment ? A.S.A.P!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. ok...if your dong something about asthetics for art orsomething, they talk about the bridge being a more organic shape, reflective of waves and stuff (th curve and what not) and it also mimicks the natural curves of the harbour its in, and is congruent to the sales on this ships that were there at the time.

    another point of view is that as a young, modern industrial city that was pretty new to the world, we needed a landmark that reflected our modernity and broke away from the traditional bridge architecture. we didnt have the same history ad heritage as the other major world cities...rome, paris etc, so we could experiment and use our youth to our advantage. hence the unusual bridge suiting its relatively modern surroundings.

    is that any help?

  2. It is suitable to its environment because it crosses water. It would be useless in Lighting Ridge, where there is not much water.

    The Bridge is not environmentally friendly. Although that double arch design was the cutting edge of bridge building technology at the time it was built, things have moved on, and anyone building a similar bridge now would be a technological dinosaur.  IIt would be a huge waste of resources.

    Whichever teacher set this question is not very bright

  3. Sydney is an industrial city.... so what better than a big bridge made of wrought iron

  4. You can pick a lot of examples up from Wikipedia:

    One example is: Because of the previous regime of continuous maintenance painting with lead-based paint, precautions had to be taken to prevent falling paint from contaminating the harbour. This required that each section being painted be sealed off and blasted to remove old paint, then extracted by vacuum.

  5. I don't know if it is suited to the environment.  I have climbed it and by the sounds of it someone in OZ just wanted to build something bigger and better than another country.  A bit of competition.

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