I'm travelling over to Australia at the end of the month and will be doing the Sydney to Cairnes trip.
However, after this I was going to take an internal flight to Sydney and work there until August. I will then take 4 weeks out to travel, then come back to Sydney to work for another few months.
However, my friend lives in Darwin and wants me to stay there until August with her, says she lives next to the beach and it's wonderful.
I'm a city girl, and although I love the countryside, I'm not sure I could handle it for 3 months, although it would be fantastic to stay with my friend.
Sydney will be there when I return to Australia in September, so I could feasibly stay with my friend in Darwin, and then return to Sydney in September.
I'm just worried that I'll get really bored in Darwin, and that it might also be too hot...
Anyone been to both and can advise me?
Your input is greatly appreciated... Thanks!!