
Sylvia brown question?

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  1. Well unlike you apparently, I have not met and tested or even seen the results of testing for all psychics.

    I am amazed by your God like powers to know (especially without any investigation) that ALL psychics are fake.

    I have many problems with Sylvia Brown, her obviously exaggerated claims of accuracy, her outrageous fees, her refusal to cooperate with scientific studies, etc.

    However, one miss (no matter how dramatic) does not make one not psychic just like one hit does not make one psychic. One would have to actually take the time to analyze her readings (and assign chance percentages) and see if she is correct more often than chance would predict.

    Until that is done no one can claim that she is or is not psychic.

    Unfortunately most skeptics can't be bothered with actually doing research or engaging in scientific inquiry to provide evidence for their claims. The same applies to her supporters that don't seem to have attempted this either.

    Pretty sure my well reasoned response based on the principles of scientific inquiry won't be selected as best answer so thanks for the two points.


  2. She is doing business. She does not see the damage she is doing by faking her psychic abilities, she only sees the money she is making. She knows she is fake, and the fact that she accepted and set up a test with james randi and then refused to take it proves she knows she is faking it.

    However, she still has a cult following of people who will believe anything they see on TV if they are told to.

    The same reason John Edwards can get away with classic cold reading on national television. Everyone tries to analyze how he does it, does he have hidden mics listening in, does he tape for 2 hours and edit down the misses? Maybe, but really all he is doing is classic conman style cold reading which has been done for centuries.

  3. The real mystery of Sylvia Browne is her following.Sure a lot of her people are dummies.However there are plenty of really smart folks who believe her and others psychics hooey.Never mind how often these phonies are exposed.The fact they fail every test.These 'Open-minded"folks just buy right into it.They just refuse to see the obvious truth.PT Barnum was right.Suckers are born every minute.Separating the easily fooled from their money is not hard.

  4. She's a fraud.  And she's a horrible person for claiming she knows information she doesn't - think how much Sean's family suffered as a result.  And everyone else she's ever charged $600 for a 30 min reading and lied to.

  5. Ive never heard of her, except for here, and i have to say what she charges for a reading is just so RIDICULAS....

    That reading she did saying about the guy you have mentioned, how he was dead, then found alive..i had the same thing happen to me, when i went and saw two psychics, about my partner, they caused me more grief than ever..Then the truth came out, and i saw what lies they told me...But a third psychic on the phone, actually tapped into the truth...But yeah psychics can cause more harm than anything.....(if we put our faith in what they tell us)

  6. I'm an avid reader of Stop Sylvia Browne. com. The most intresting article is an interview with Gary Dufresnes one of Browne's ex-husbands and father of Christopher Dufresne.

    After a party that Sylvia was doing tarot readings Gary Dufresnes said "we were washing dishes and she was wiping or whatever, I said "Sylvia, how can you tell people this kind of stuff? You know it's not true, and some of these people actually are probably going to believe that." And she said - and I won't put it exactly the word that she said but she said - but "s***w 'em. Anybody who believes this stuff oughtta be taken."

    As someone else said "one born every minute and two to take him.

  7. I heard her be dead wrong on live radio.  She was on Coast 2 Coast with George Noory she said that the Sago miners would be found alive.  Then there was a report that they were all dead right there on the show.  So George Noory was like WTF?  So Sylvia said I meant they would be found but not found alive.  Her lame excuse to cover her failure digs her in a deeper hole of fraudulence.

  8. I don't believe anything she says.  I used to think she was right on some things that she wrote about in her books, but some topics are just too outlandish, like her own religion.

  9. You can tell right off the back that she is fake whether your skeptic or not. She talks really fast and the names she says are pulled out of her *** like "What is my spirits guides name?", "umm...David". She answers questions too fast, doesn't look to be thinking. I just watch her for laughs.

  10. Well, she is just a fraud who preys upon the gullible, and those who are looking for any glimmer of hope.

    I also remember when she said on some radio show, that a bunch of miners were still alive, and then they turned out to be dead.   And there are other examples of where she turned out to be very wrong.

    Seems like I also remember on Larry King show she agreed to have her psychic abilities tested, and then backed out, of course.

    She is a fake and cannot prove her ability under scientific conditions.

    Watch some of the youtube videos of her below.  In one she is telling parents that their daughter was killed when she was shot.  When in fact she was a fireman killed at 9/11.  Watch how Sylvia and Montel try to make a save, and make idiots out of themselves.

    There are many other clips on youtube that are must sees.  Just search Sylvia Browne.

  11. As far as I'm concerned, Sylvia Brown is a con artist of the first order. You hear abou the times she is right but how about the times she is wrong? She hasn't done a D A M N thing that I haven't seen a good magician do!

  12. nuff..Guess you know from our Q&As that this is Montel's last season...his contract wasn't renewed. So I guess this means Sylvia's audience will go down drastically . Wonder if she'll show up on some other tv show.  Whenever I watch her on Montel..I always look for mistakes. She covers them pretty well. But even though I don't want to believe her..I think she does get some things right..that people couldn't know..that she couldn't have found out ahead of time.I also watch the expressions on the face of the person she's talking to. There are things I don't like about her..her manner and all..she seems like she thinks she knows EVERYTHING. I don't believe any psychic knows EVERYTHING.  I wonder about Francine, her guide.I wonder how she can always know that it's her..and how she knows if Francine is a good spirit and really knows what she's talking about..or just making it up as she goes along. I'd expect someone who is this supposedly close to God and His servants to be more humble than Sylvia seems to be...and more in "awe" of the things she's (supposedly) told about God and Heaven.

    And I DEFINITELY don't think she should charge money..except maybe for her expenses. She's got plenty of books to make a good living from.

  13. Sylvia Browne has been wrong so many times its just laughable.  Even the Amazing Randi has challenged her skills and she has refused to take him up on it.

  14. She's a fraud. And she's always rude to people on that show.

  15. If you've ever read any of her books,you'll find out that she will tell you that she isn't always right......If she was she wouldn't of had three divorces?we are but messengers to the ones who will listen and help the message come full circle!Blessed be......................!
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