
Symptoms and then all of a sudden no pregnancy symptoms at 8 days past ovulation?

by  |  earlier

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i have been experiencing what i think may be preg symptoms since a couple of days past ovulation such as slight nausea, lower back ache, cramps, craving food, big appetite, pain in ovary areas etc etc but my main concern is that i am completely acheing all over and i am no longer having stomach cramps? or any other symptoms just have pains now and then in my ovaries now and im 8 dpo!!

please help...

my period is due this sat so when would be the best time to take a hpt?






  1. I am due on Thursday and have been testing daily for the past few days.  I don't recommend this since I am being obsessive and it's discouraging.  I am going to wait until I am late since that is the best time if you want a more accurate result and not to be let down daily if it is too early to tell.

    I would say all your symptoms are actually ovulation or implantation.  It's too early to have pregnancy symptoms before implantation happens.  I am right there with you though.  Every day that I don't feel good I wonder if it's a pregnancy sympton.   I know it's all in my head though.

    best of luck and lots of baby dust!

  2. Hiya

    I had all those symptoms last month except the big appetite. Got up on Thursday & AF arrived exactly on time & not only that the cramps I thought were related to being pregnant (def weren't AF cramps!) landed me in hospital with a really nasty UTI !! I felt terrible and just off all the time & unfortunately the symptoms for that are just the same as pregnancy & not too dis-similar to AF !

    I would wait until you are late before you take a test! Don't want to get your hopes up! Good luck x

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