
Symptoms of a dropped bladder?

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had complete hysterectomy, during surgery my bladder got a slight tear. so the doctor had to repair that. Ever since that, I have had bladder infections, or urinary tract problems. Bottom of my stomach gets a little sore sometime. But keep in mind; I have had several surgerys over the past 10-15 yrs ago. Doctor told me that over a period of time it might drop. I am 45 yrs old. Anyone out there have any insight on this problem. Would greatly be apreciated!




  1. How dreadful for you. I'm not a fan of surgery.

    As for dropped bladder, I confess I've not heard of this.  Why not get in the habit now of doing inversion exercises, or at least inverting for part of the day?  Use a board or even shoulder stands.  You'll feel the better for it.

    Strengthen your abdominal muscles also.  Try Body Flex, full breath in, out, draw stomach back and up.  Hold.  Let go.  Repeat up to 0 mins worth.  Good abdominal massage and oxygenating.  It's also an 'old' likely ancient yoga practice.

    Docs intervene but what does that do for one's overall health?  Beats me.  

    I used to go to docs and now I think it was very strange thing to do.  If you can help yourself and there's LOTS of useful sensible information out there you can help every aspect of your health.

    Scare tactics are used to sell med practices and drugs.  And who wants to cut their income off by telling you how to get well--if they know?  If they did, I do think most would.  In fairness, I think most docs believe they are doing good.  I just don't believe them if it's mod med they are on about.

    My sources are mostly medical docs who aren't blindly following but do write books.  Use sense of course.

    I've not been sick even one time in that 2o years by the way and cancer, which they tried to tell me I might have, never developed.  And though my mother had her uterus surgically 'tacked up,' and a sis had hers OUT, I did exercise.  Haven't thought of it for years.  I didn't have fibroids, but did have fibrous b*****s, which when a doc pointed out to me, signalled my goodbyes.  No exploratory surgery for me thanks.  I cleared that 'problem' up in a week with Dr Hulda Clark's advice, though I'd had it all my life--since I developed I think.

    And I DO NOT have mamograms as they CAUSE breast cancer.  NOONE had better be running one single step for me when they are raising money to further victimize themselves.  What a racket the cancer industry is.

    You can google 'Diseases Don't Just Happen,' by Dr Lorraine Day, med doc turncoat who cured her own cancer without horrendous intervetions of mod medicine.  Since she's devoted her life to helping others really get well.  Her cancer tape, Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore' is not avail free online I think but this one is very good.

    I've had two surgeries when I was a kid, one to keep sis company!  How disgusting.  Other for appendicitis.  I now know that impacted fecal matter gets in and infects.  In China NO appendecomies I think.  They use herbs and likely tell people how to improve their diets.  Not very profitable, is it?

    Done is done, but no more for me.  I will research and care for myself as I believe that to be BEST option.  ONLY my body can heal itself.

    Cheers.  Hope this will not happen to you.  I suppose surgical intervention would be advised.

    There is something dietary connnected with bladder infection.  I think just high acidity.  Look up 'PH Miracle' at the library.  NEGATIVE thinking is said to be THE most acidifying influence on the body.  Eat fruits and vegetables mostly.  Fruit RAW only.  Make sure you are WELL hydrated. At least 8 glassed a day plus 1.5 times the volume of any pop, tea or coffee or alcohol.  

    Oh yes, my girl who grew up very ill hasn't been sick a single day since we decided to take charge of our own health either.  ANd she's lost her allergies and 110 pounds, which have stayed off.

    Takes time.  Time well spent.  Just use SENSE and don't be scared.

    FIRST line is enough water.  Second, exercise then good nourishment.  RELAXATION...  See Day.  She's got good advice, though I'm not quite 100% with her, she's great.

    Remember, if you think you can or if you think you can't, you are right!

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