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ive been having strange cravings for meat, i love to howl at the moon all the time etc
I'm a werewolf and i'm the alpha female of the firefrost pack and i read all of these and some of you where being rude and others are telling there symptoms and all the ones who are being rude or the ones that dont believe in werewolves are never welcomed to this world.
Report (1) (0) | 11 years, 1 month(s) ago
Ok so ive been getting all the same symptoms as u peoples.And all my frinds hav been werewolves too.see,ive been to like,3 dif schools in the past four months,and every time i try to make friends theres always one that i get like,really close to.i seem to hav a strong connection with them befor we even meet & later find out theyre werewolves just like me.an smetimes i see doglike shapes staring through my windows.i serously f**k all u peeplz who are sayin theyre not reels.and crack?therapy?booze?really peepls!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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It seems a concocted story. It is hard to believe on your words. I think you need to visit a psychiatrist for treatment of your illness.
um truth or myth we cant be sure u all r tellin the truth. but i dnt exactly go against werewolves being real . vampires,werewolves i luv both. god bless u all!! and have a good nite. : )
Werewolfs, are mythical characters, no real human bieng has not yet transformed in to a werewolf. Werewolf's have been popularised by Hollywood movies, and gothic novels. Though in reality, there is no sound proof about the existense of a werewolf. As there is no real werewolf, there are no real symptoms of becoming a werewolf. I don't wish to provide you misleading and false information.
I am very strange. Get a load of this( I experiance all of the other symptoms listed. these are unique
I'm aggresive, I love being outside, I am a 5th grader in the body of an 8th, I love meat, I'm protective over my friends, And when i'm angry my eyes flash different colors. gold for warning, red for angry, and black for out of controll! I lose concentration when looking at wolves,silver, the moon, and the girl I have a crush on( tee hee). I love to fight, and can kill. I have a sixth scence for danger, silver, other canines, and non humans. I have extreme intelligence, and can speak any for of Elf, Tolkien to Paolini, off the top of my head.
I have a few friends: one is a werewolf, two are vampires, one thinks she's a unicorn, three that are elves, and two that are dwarves. and i am very good with a bow and staff
Man is hunting us down. Unite, for we are a dwindling race, as are the vampires and others. few humans will fight alongside us. to war
please healp me. i used to wnt to b a vamp but now... i wnt to b a werewolf. is there any way to be one of you if i dont change??? oh and is it true tht a werewolf never dies but gets reincarnated? please help me i wnt to b a werewolf MAJORLY!!!!!!!
Coincidence? I hate and am allergic to silver, I'm more a night person, I love meat and I have exellent hearing and smelling. Am I a werewolf?
actually i am certain that all of you ARE werewolves and i know this becuase i am the alpha female of the silver springs pack and i have transformed before plus i am only "11" NOT i am actually 1,011 it's just a werewolf dies every 100 years so im technically 11
ok um a lot of u guys are being mean the same thing thats is happening to them is happening to me right now and i keep having an urge to go to my woods im freaken twelve and i think u gues should watch you language.
you are so much like me. i eat 2 full steaks almost every full moon. we could be lost pups from the pack. i love wolves and meat. well if you were ever at night and felt a tiny pinch on your body if you were ever in the woods. you are probably a werewolf. like me!
but i only get hairy and and run fast and i dont get along wit very much people and my finger nails get long but i like chewing on things so i bite them of and ind i have all the symptoms
im a 12 year old girl and i think im a werewolf because 1, i have been staying up untill the sun rises and then i get tired and go to bed. 2, my canines are sharp and the top are curved back. 3, sometimes i wont even touch meat and sometimes i will eat it all the time. 4,i sleep on my side with my arms stretched out sort of like my dog does and i cant sleep on my back. 5, once i swore my eyes were turning gold and i have brown eyed. 6, i love to go camping and love to walk around the neighborhood only at night. 7, sometimes i feel nocturnal. 8,when ever im in a fight or reculing i will literly bite the person. once i bit someone who could not bruise easy and i gave him a BIG bruise. 9, im very strong even against adult males. 10, my began hurting ever since i was 9 years old and it stays all day, never have i had a day with out it hurting. 11, i sometimes will sit just like a dog in the shadows at night and jump on my friends, growling. 12, i like to crawl up and down stairs on all fours and its like i can never go on only two up and down the stairs. 13, i love wolves so much i have wolf stuff all over my room, even a wolf wallet! 14, i can see much better at night then day. 15, i like to chew on so many things, sometimes i will chew on my shirt. 16, my nails grow quickly, 17, we were playing with a quijia board and we asked it if i was a werewolf and i pointed to YES! i was playing with it with my friend whos family are all witches, including her! and 18, when im up when the sun is in the sky i get dizzy! 19, im very emotinal at sad dog and wolf movies. 20, i dont get along with people. 21, when ever i play a wolf game i feel like im a real wolf. 22, i can hear up to 8000 kmz's!!! that is very high. 23, i hate to yell at my dog even when he deserves it. 24, sometimes when i say i love you to my dog and he barks i swear i hear him say i love you back to me. 25, when i go outside in the snow with just a te s**t, a pair of pants, and shoes (no socks) i dont feel very cold, almost as if fur is keeping me warm. 26, whenever i howl some people think that there is a wolf nearby (i howl just like a wolf). 27, i sometimes wish the sun would just go away and it would always be night. 28, i think the sound of a wolf and coyote and dog howl is more beutiful then a song. 29, i sometimes want to drink from a lake. and last but not least 30, whenever i shave the next day i see hair and i have so much arm hair! can someone help me ?
take some spelling lessons and see a therapist and set down the alcohol.
I don't know if i am one... I think my friends one because I'll ask her a werewolf question and she'll have an answer right off the bat. I've hade these symtems ever since maybe September. I can run very fast if I strech. I have strong craving for meat. My bottom canines are sharp, BUT, my top canines curve in... WHAT IS UP WITH THAT!!!!!!!!! When I stared at a full moon, my head hurt. And at night,near werewolfs,or anytime, my eyes turn a dark gold color! And there dark brown! I LOVE ANY PART OF THE CANINE FAMILY! Espisaly wolves. I also had 3 dreams of my doing something as a werwolf. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm been noticing these symptoms for posibaly being a werewolf:
1.hav a extreme craving for human or other meats. 2.since i was born, i have had tons of hair all over,though i am a girl. 3.i howl at the full moon somtimes. 4. i chew almost anything i see, and i mean it! 5. when i get angry, i just don't trash talk, i start screaming or punching, i can barely control myself school.
someone please help me and tell me if i am a werewolf.
don't worry. you'll be absoutly fine....for now. tell me, if you start to notice unfamiliar changes with your body, start to grow fur, start scratching your ear with your back paws, and yes i said paws, and you notice that your hands and feet turn to paws on the full moon(or any type of moon) then you're turning into a werewolf. that's the best answer.
Well i don't really know if i am or am not werewolf. #1 i don't have a hairy chest.#2I luv meat.#3my mom says im hairy on my arms and legs.#4 i luv wolves.#5 I have a dog and I luv him so much I could literally die.#6 I once had a dream of being a werewolf.#7I have a friend who thinks she is a vampire.#8I have to admit I do suck my own blood when i have a cut(useually in my mouth.) #9 I luv the moon but never ever went camping.and #10I have hazel eyes that do change color a lot.# 11 My nails do grow really fast.#12 my sense of smell can smell really far.#13 I like horror movies.Am i werewolf?Plz answer.
i do not think thir is a big chance my syemtems are i am obsesed with wolf i love to howl i am atracted to the moon last but not least i can leave marks on skin if you are one you are veary luky but what do i know i am only 9 in 3quorters.
im 14 and im a werewolf.I was an only child and i had 7 wolf hybrids..they were like my family. my parents never payed attention to me. they protected me..loved me..howled with me..i am 25 percent blackfoot indian and ive known i was a wolf for a very long time...no..i do not turn into a beast during the full moon but i do have wolf like behaviors such as u have.I have a pack in california..the Silver Moon Wolf Pack....i am alpha kateri moonraiser..(teen wolf)
<(^-^)> *ruff ruff* aaaarrrrroooo
sometimes u may feel that think that u r and u may not be one or u could be one and if u r a werewolf u would have meet other werewolvs
Weird i am a 11 year old girl and my hole life i have been really hairy i think i really am a where wolf these r some of my symptoms i have
1.hate silver
2.hate guns
3don't get alone wiht most people
4.i howl at a full moon sometimes
5.really hairy
6.i have always liked walking on all 4 ever since i learned to walk my mom said and i still do
7.love to bite on stuff
8.i make like dog and wolf noices like i growl when i am mad adn whine when i am sad
9.i have long finger nails
10.i love dogs and have a strong connection with dogs like when i was 7 my dog never listened to nobody else but me and followed me everywhere
i am almost nine and i think im a warewolf here are some symtoms
1.i don't like silver 5.i have an urj to howl at the moon
6.im hairyer then the other 3rd graders
7.i pant when im tired
8.i love dogs 9.my canine teeth are sharp 10.i can beat my dad in a race
2. i don't like guns
3.i growl when im angry
4.my eyes get big and bulgy and stare at non warewolfs when im hungry
hey, i was wondering if any one can help me.
i think that im a werewolf and i have a friend who suposidly has a grimoire ( book of spells) and she told me that i have wolf eyes, they are a strange hazel color with a watery brown ring around my pupil. she also said that i have a face structure like a werewolf. she also claims that vampires exist. other things i have are
1 acute sence of smell and hearing
2 i do not get along with other people
3 my body is always hot
4 i see well in the dark
5 i have alot of hair on my arms, legs, chest and stomach, nuckles, and almost have a unibrow
6 i like meat
7 my dog has a VERYstrong conection with me
8 i have oily skin and have bad body odor, even with doderant
9 i growl constantly when im mad
10 i sometimes get the erge to take off and run
11i sometimes bite things to relesse stress on my teath
if you can help me, please do im a 12 year old girl from ontairio and i am very scared....... plese help me if you can....... Kyra Levasseur
ha, all you guys talking about becomeing a werewolf, u guys must be on some good a*s crack
hi i am a guy so for some of you i am a wolf and i know one thing i LOVE MEAT and wolves plus i am howling all the time a full moon is near and i just had someone move in with me and i became highly aggresive
i really think there werewolf thing is a if question but when i think of wolves, i'm a totall different person i have visions during school of me and my friends as big wolves in the woods behind my house, i imagine me a big alpha with black fur i recently saw my eyes change from brown to grey
i want too always howl, i just wanna know, pls if werewolves are real tell me, i dont wanna suffer anymore if theres a way to change i'll do it just let me know. my whole life i had visions dreams......... tell me
im a female therian werewolf 1.if angry growl,sad whine
2.gnaw on things or sometimes bite 3.smell and hear well 4.feeble vision
5.do things wolves do(like sleeping position) 5.really hairy 6.meat and water craving 7.really fast and jump high 8.during a full moon you have an urge to howl 9.hate silver
all u ppl who say werewolfs arn't real:shut tha @#%$ up. ppl don't knoe yet that they are or not real!!! i'm having some symptoms of being one like craving meat,hyper during full moon,and prefer gold than sliver. i'm a tomeboy (hate pink,barbie,dresses) and HATES the sun and LOVES the moon.And seem to love werewolfs (not jacob from twilight thou)!and my eyes once change to YELLOW. they're mostly DARK BROWN.i was born UNDER a full moon,my legs are more hairyer then my friends and every time i shave them i wake up and see hair! and i prefer dogs over cats (i want 15 dogs but my dad won't allow it ) and every time its a full moon i just walk around my room and fall asleep around 1:30. and in the morning i wake up with a strange taste in my mouth.am i a werewolf?
you know im realling looking for an aswer. so anyways, im in love w/ meat, i have sharp curved nails, i was born in mid night (12:00 am) while the moonlight was radiating my skin/ shining on me when i was held. BUT!.... im not weak to silver (im not sure if i touched one.. maybe im a GOOD werewolf). and strangely enough i was staring at the mirror for a while then my eyes kindof turned orangey gold. then in a distance my eyes look black also my hair too (its thick also)
I am faster than the whole 5th and the 6th grade and I am in 3rd grade.I am very hairy. My eyes change every night.I hated meat now I crave meat. I have bad B.O. And I have sharp teeth.From Haley Smith. I am a fricken werewolf!
well i woke up one morning with hair everywhere i had claws, a tail, and i had an incredible RRRG to just RUN...i could have sworen i ran over 50....HAHAHA really it sounds ridiculous doesnt it... word of Advive braa... STOP WATCHING TWILIGHT AND BIG WOLF ON CAMPUS. Oh and by the way... Im a Power ranger.
I'm 33, male and not really up to speed or aware of this "Werewolf" phenomenon that is spread across the internet but in reading many postings and stories and visiting different sites something has come to my attention that may explain a lot of my curious issues. Beginning with an acute sense of hearing that is sometimes painful and disorienting, an acute sense of smell that actually saved my family when I detected an odor of carbon monoxide that the co2 detector in the house didn't detect and the unit was checked and confirmed to work, a sort of early warning system that makes me aware of danger or a dangerous situation, an unusual pain thresh hold that I can't explain ( had my hand slammed in a car door and the door was sealed and no damage, bruising, or breaks ), that being said I did break my hand when I was in high school, in what was called a "boxers fracture" and was told I would be in a cast for about 4-6 weeks .. what was weird was my hand was completely healed in about a week ? and any injury I seem to sustain heals quickly depending on the severity of it. Any ways those are my looming questions and since this is a forum I was wondering if anyone had an idea or insight as to what this may mean, but please be serious in your responses.
<p>this is so wierd.I was like... 10 years old. I was getting to bed at 9:00 and at 11:56 I woke up in this trance. And I picked out some clothes and I got dressed and I was in the hallway and I had this strange feeling to jump out the window and run off into the woods. So I look in the mirror and my eyes were blue and then I got all mad and they turned f****n green. I just jumped in my bed and I could not fall asleep. And when I did, I had this dream and in the dream, I was eating this fricken rat thing. I was freaked out. sorry if I put 2 others I made mistakes.
<p>this is so wierd.I was like... 10 years old. I was getting to bed at 9:00 and at 11:56 I woke up in this trance. And I picked out some clothes and I got dressed and I was in the hallway and I had this strange feeling to jump out the window and run off into the woods. So I look in the mirror and my eyes were blue and then I got all mad and they turned f****n green. I just jumped in my bed and I could not fall asleep. And when I did, I had this dream and I was eating this fricken rat thing. I was freaked out.</
this is so wierd.I was like... 10 years old. I was getting to bed at 9:00 and at 11:56 I woke up in this trance. And I picked out some clothes and I got dressed and I was in the hallway and I had this strange feeling to jump out the window and run off into the woods. So I look in the mirror and my eyes were blue and then I got all mad and they turned f****n green. I just jumped in my bed and I could not fall asleep. And when I did, I was eating this fricken rat thing. I was freaked out.
Werewolfe are real.I know it.
hi im new to this but i love wolves and i did not like ribs before then i tryed them and i fell in love( i don't know if that has any thing to do with it) i also like chewing on bones and some times i just howl out of no were and it just comes out. And one time i slept over at my cosins house and i got really tired in the morning and then when it was night i was wide awak and my cosin was tired. can someone give me an answer?
Latest activity: 11 years, 1 month(s) ago. This question has 78 answers.