
Synastry in the Horoscopes section: How do we relate?

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So, I searched for a question like this but I couldn't find one. It's possible this has been asked before. It's even possible that I've answered a question like this before lol, and I just can't recall what it might have been. Well I don't know if I'm the only nosy one here, but I can't imagine that I am, and I'm sure you other nosy people know who you are:-D, but anyhow, whenever I discover a new placement in another forum regular's chart, I tend to store it in my memory as a clue to what makes that person in particular tick. Inevitably, and quite frequently really I find similarities to my own chart as well as aspects from objects in other's charts to most often my Mercury, Sun/Neptune, Uranus and Saturn/South Node placements. Others as well, but not really as notably. Also aspects to my angles, and there are actually a lot of people here that have a similar arrangement of house placements to mine, same signs on cusps and angles, sometimes almost to the same degree. Makes it easier for me to answer questions, because it's kind of like reading my own chart with different planets sometimes, haha. So I'm wondering if anyone else happens to notice common themes between their own charts and the charts of others here in the forum? Maybe we could do some kind of chart comparison here or something to see what common themes there might be within the forum?

.....thoughts, anyone?

Thanks in advance:-D




  1. That would be cool. You always have such great ideas. Like the time we all had no names. I like your creative way of thinking. I am sure there are many themes in my chart, haven't really taken a close look. I know I am dominant in the 8th house. Some say it is good others as a negative trait. I have yet to determine it.

    Sun, Mercury,Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, N. Node all in the 8th. Wow.

  2. Oh sure.  I have significant synastry with several people here.  Both the good and the bad are not surprising really.  I can't really discuss it without discussing other people's charts though.

    **I guess I'm not so nosy.  lol  I hadn't looked at your chart before.  We do have Mercury contact.  Not a surprise.

    Too bad someone trashed your question with an off topic rant.  Someone did that in my "Destiny Chart" question.  d**n trolls!  Y!A needs a time out box. lol  Some people have no respect for other's questions.

    *wave to Ryan-  I hear you have been working hard, take care of yourself.  I think Kelly's is still there.

  3. Hey r_a , I think you know my chart, but yeah, we do have a square in sign mercury, not close enough an orb to make a real square though :D . We do have venus-moon trine which is nice :D, dont ya think ?

    Anyway, thanks for your answer on my " happy birthday tril " Question posted about 4 hours ago, thanks to you too Jamie, hope you are doing fine . I am sorry but sadly, it was deleted 2 hours after that. d**n, that was fast.

    Indeed, what isabelle said about my fixed--a-little-bit chart being repossessed and claimed by someone whose name was " Anthony ", was true. And yes, people should be more careful about posting their chart up on YA for the sake of their astrological privacy , unless they dont really care about having their information snatched and used by other people then thats fine. each to his own i guess. Hi Isabelle , how are u ?

    Hi Aya , Hi Kelly, Hi devochka babe, I know you aint answering this Q yet, but i saw you star it , lol.

    And hi mom, i hope you are doing alright .

  4. Hi RA,

    It sounds like a good idea but unfortunately I do not think it is appropriate on a public forum because some info about you can get used against you.

    I certainly do agree that some people have things in common otherwise some would not stick with some people.

    RyanLukas,,,well you know him...has gone. Remember he posted his chart but tweaked it a bit ? He had the premonition that somebody would get hold of it and steal it. There are some very unscrupulous people on here.

    I had tried with the "no name" thing to see.......thinking among the same line at the time.

    It got reported and deleted although people enjoyed it.

    so I am a lot more realistic now.

    This kind of thing I think is very private and should done, in my opinion, by people who actually know each other in real life.

    Sorry to be a downer but I do not think it is a good idea.

    Nothing replaces real life, eye to eye contact, real discussions at length which cannot be done on any forum ( that is why I refused to join the "private club"). And no from what I heard later..I declined !!! Not the other way round.

    People on here will portray themselves as they want to be seen. The real persona ?? hmmmmmmmmmm

    No I would not advise it either not when millions of people read and frankly ultimately have no clue about one and other.

    Some people are very candid...good for them if it works their way.

    But have been on here long enough to have witnessed so many....." include anything here".

    Seeing the way this section has become it sounds a bit too idealistic to me. Too many worthy people have left already.

    "sigh" all comes back to my earlier observations. People who are aware of astrology does not in any way equal better self-awareness, more understanding towards others etc.

    Sad but true.

    Unless one does really ponder about their chart and actually do something to negate the negative........the whole thing becomes pointless.

    A chart is about self awareness first and "how to fix it" it next which should be the main focus. But too many people remain on the first level.

    so no....have always been against unless people look at themselves in a very critical and pragmatical way.

    have seen it/experienced it on here about people being stuck on the first level.

    So way ! Have been accused of getting mad apparently ( did not see it) because I was not invited into the "private club"...truth was I DID NOT want to..

    I would not trust people as easily..By absolutely no means people claiming to know astrology are kind of superior, more aware or anything. They can spring total bullshit like everyone else.

    Reminds me of politicians, so called " motivation people" or whatever they call themselves. Full of good words but real life...............ooops......does not quite match.

    Am seeing it all the time here..........and frankly I do understand people now who think that people believing in astrology are full or words, mouthy, holier than thou but in real life are really no better ( and am being kind here).

    The ones who have left the section seemed to have been more aware and could not bother with the kindergarten mentality which is sadly prevalent on here.

    PS: am glad that Janet has edited and agrees with me.




  5. Well, how interesting; we seem to be thinking some of the same thoughts, even the questioning of whether we had answered a similar question previously and had forgotten - lol.  I will try to get back later to answer when I have more time to focus.

    Edit;  Restless, the cusps of our wheel configuration are almost exact except that I am one house behind you all the way around - all within 5 degrees. Maybe one of these days, I can converse with you on someone else's question and give you all the information and then delete.  Other than that, I would be very uneasy about sharing this personal information - I hate it that society has gotten to this point of being so paranoid, but hey, we have to protect ourselves.

  6. I think that would be really cool! I am still learning but I have noticed some similarities....there is probably more but I wouldn't really know how to identify just the comparisons would be good practice for to learn a bit more from others....I still have no clue what the angles mean and even how to identify them...yep, I'm kind of young pup here, but any insight and information or suggestions would be a big help and appreciated!....

    I have tried studying up on these things a bit but I can't seem to find anything that goes into detail about the angles, nodes, etc.,...everything I find is very basic....ughghgh....

    I have no clue what the significance (if any) of this type of chart and the placements of the Houses...any info would be great! Feel free to email me if you like!

    ;).... I also have the degrees as well if anyone is curious...

    *****Sorry - the planets and houses should have been seperated into two columns...when i go back to edit they are still in seperate columns...I guess you can't do that here though...? Hope you guys are still able to make some kind of sense of it all - lol - sorry if there is any confusion....

    ****Edit**** Didn't realise it was a touchy issue that others would try to use the information against you...How could they?

  7. Sun in Cancer

    Moon in Taurus

    Mercury in Cancer

    Venus in Gemini

    Mars in Virgo

    Jupiter in Libra

    Saturn in Aquarius

    Uranus in Capricorn

    Neptune in Capricorn

    Pluto in Scorpio

    Lilith in Aries

    Asc Node in Sagittarius

    Ascendant in Taurus

    Descendant Scorpio

  8. Hey you're not the only nosey one here ^_^ (d**n my Gemini Moon, needing to know absolutely everything) I do tend to remember placements of other people around here - but sometimes just as quickly forget them, usually - and store how that placement adds up to their behaviour. But I've never actually thought about the synastry between my own chart and that of those other people... [lol]

  9. well..i'll be honest, I don't really notice nor do I keep it in mind. But it's good you can answer the questions that come easier to you because of similiar placements. And yeah I think most people here are nosy ...but hey its alright lol.

  10. yes i do this too...finding similarities between people. Cool idea of chart comparisons.  I'm for it.


    taurus moon

    cancer rising

    @how and when we doing comparing?

    @hey my mars is in virgo too :)

    @  Edit:    So why would someone steal someone's chart and how would that benefit anyone really unless they knew their full name and address or something??  PLease

    @ also what was the no name thing everyone is talking about?   Must have been before I came

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