
Synchro teams?

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can u tell some colleges with sychro teams please im really interested




  1. Michigan State

    Miami University

    Boston College

    Boston University

    Brandeis University

    BGSU (Bowling Green State University)

    University of California-Davis

    Connecticut College

    Cornell University

    University of Delaware

    Duke University

    East Carolina University

    Grand Valley State University

    University of Illinois

    Illinois State University

    Indiana University

    University of Maryland

    Unitersity of Massachusetts

    University of Michigan

    University of Minnesoty

    University of New Hampshire

    Oakland University

    SUNY Oswego

    Northern Michigan University

    Northwestern University

    University of Notre Dame

    Pentagon Intercollegiate Synchronized Skating Team

    Princeton University

    Robert Morris University

    Syracuse University

    Western Michigan University

    University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

    University of Wisconsin

    Univeristy of Wiscounsin-Stout

    Just a note: Miami is the only university to have synchro as a varsity sport and they all get custom ridel skates and a lot of free things, but beware. You have to be like a skating God to be on their teams.

  2. Here is USFSA's List of Colleges with Figure Skating Programs

    It will tell you if these colleges have or do not have a synchro team (or if it is developing).  

    Here is another list:

    Hope that helps!
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