
Synyster gates avenged sevenfold guitar question?

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at about 3:09-3:13 the part where synyster raises the pitch to a high screech is he harmonic pinching that part? or is it effects or what?




  1. He is using pinch harmonics. It sounds like he is using high gain and just pinch harmonics. I am a syn fan, but don't spend your time trying to play like him, his sweeps are a bit sloppy, although his solo's are great. Look into satriani, eric johnson, but not the yngwie style "shredders" they are garbage, not guitarists, just guitar players with minimal theory who drop out of school and spend 10 hours a day playing one arpeggio to make it fast so they can show off.

  2. its very possible that he may have his gain turned all the way up and is using pinch harmonics, but he could also be using a whammy pedal to change the pitch of the notes he is playing, but my best guess is the pinch harmonics.

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