
Syrian Hamster Checklist?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I'm getting a Syrian hamster soon and I think I have all the supplies needed. (I'm a first-time hammy owner, and so excited!) If anyone has a handy-dandy checklist, that'd be great!

I'm making a bin cage too, so if you have any pointers, they would be much appreciated :)




  1. I attached a link from petco, it's a care sheet which includes several check lists.  It's for hamsters in general, and i'm pretty sure Syrian ones don't have any specific needs.

    Just make sure your hammie can get lots of air in it's cage!  and from personal experience,  I suggest not getting a wheel that will be squeaky, like the metal kind.  Hamsters are awake at night and sleep during the day, so you'll have the lovely sound of it's wheel to lull you to sleep haha :o)

    have fun!

  2. 1. food

    2. cage that is hamster proof

    3. chew blocks because hamster's teeth are constantly growing

    4. water bottle (not water bowl)

    5. fresh food (like lettuce, cereal, or carrots for treats)

    6. wheel (for exercise)

    7. toys (toilet paper tubes, tissue)

    8. bedding (use pine, DO NOT USE CEDAR! the oil from cedar bedding can cause blindness and bad reactions in rodents!!!!)

    And that's all you need! :]

  3. these two should help...

    also when making your bin cage you can use PVC pipes for tubes and too connect two cages, they work great.

  4. Hamsterific! is a great site, lots of info.

    that should be all you need.

  5. Cage (check)


    Food dish


    Water bottle

    Bedding for Cage

    Wheels, toys, Tunnels, etc...

    Chew toys

    Just remember: don't buy 2!!! they will atack each other. They are very territory like. it will attack another one! just buy one!

    and the most important one:


    Hoped i helped!

  6. 1 cage

    2 water bottles

    3 food bowl

    4 chew toys

    5 home made toys

    6 hut-wood/cardboard

    7 bedding

    8 potty/toilet

    9 hamster ball

    10 hamster food

    11 treats

    12 tubes/toilet paper rolls

    13 play pen(don't HAVE to get one)

    14 wheel

    15 ripped up toilet paper for hamster bed(give more when it's winter time!)

    16 old soft tooth brush to clean you hammie

    that's pretty much it,but you don't HAVE to have all of them,try buying 10/16 of them

    can you help me?;...

  7. First off, congrats about getting a hamster. I remember the day I first became a hamster owner myself. Its very exciting but can be overwhelming. Here's a checklist like you asked for:

    1. Cage [in your case a bin-style cage]

    2. Bedding/nesting [used for comfort and to absorb odors etc.]

    3. Exercise Equipment [wheels, ladders, and a  running ball. all good examples]

    4. Water Bottle

    5. Food bowl

    6. Chew sticks/blocks [they are a necessity since hamsters teeth never quit growing. they need some way to file down their teeth or else they'll continue to grow right into the roof of their mouth, causing a death]

    7. Last but not least, love and attention. [hamsters need just as much attention as any other pet, but keep in mind they are nocturnal so try to play with them any time after 7:00pm]

    Well thats all you'll need in order to properly care for your hamster. Good luck.  :)

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