
T.G.I Fridays...... ?

by Guest65513  |  earlier

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is the place casual ?

im going for my 16th birthday and my and my friends will be wearing dresses and heels will we look out of place ?




  1. nah its like a normal place

  2. yeah, you should be good. Have fun!!

  3. Not at all. Its about the same as Frankie and Bennys. I am sure you will look fabulous! And hey... give people something to look at! Have a fantastic birthday! X

  4. It's kind of somewhere you can go wearing anything! Its casually smart dress code really, I have seen alot of people having birthday meals there though. Make sure you let the staff know and they'll sing to you :D

    Have a nice birthday!!


  5. i think its pritty casual but hey what the h**l its ur birthday

    sweet sixteenth

  6. No, you will look fine.  It's not a dressy place but you are going for an occassion and you are all going like that so it will be fine.

  7. Yeah its fine and the answer to your last question about wild child is:

    Let me think about it! x

  8. you wont look out of place, because lots of people go to TGI's for birthdays. Although the place is fairly casual, you can rock up in jeans and a tshirt, no one will think anything of it if a bunch of girls are dressed nice. Unless of course you mean prom dresses and ball gowns, that IS over the top!
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