
T.V. doing things on it's own?

by Guest31682  |  earlier

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Our tv recently started turning itself on during the night to channels we wouldn't be watching (no timers are on, no people or animals in the room to accidentally hit remote).

Now, it is changing channels, adjusting volume, muting and unmuting itself. We've checked, and no neighbors are experiencing similar problems (we thought we might be playing "dueling remotes" with someone nearby). It's an RCA, about 2 years old, not sure of the model number.

It isn't that the remote is being accidentally hit, as we have had it happen while the remote is on the arm of the couch where we can see it, and the channels will change randomly. There is no "spare" remote that could be accessing it, either.




  1. RCA's have a problem on some of thier tv's that the buttons on the front control board get flakey, if you unplug the control board it will stop doing this and you should be able to use the remote still.

  2. I had a similar thing happen a few months ago.  It turned out that the batteries in the remote were getting weak and the remote was sending out random commands.  I replaced the batteries in the remote and the problem went away.

    I hope this helps.  Please return and select a Best Answer from all of those submitted.

  3. what model and make

  4. Hmm, do you have energy saving lightbulbs by any chance ?

    Do you get the same problem with the lights off.

    To cure this, change the lampshades, or get regular bulbs and a dimmer.

    EDIT: Run to the light Carolanne !!

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